Left-wing celebrates family man’s shooting, saying his death was deserved because he supported Trump – IOTW Report

Left-wing celebrates family man’s shooting, saying his death was deserved because he supported Trump

This puts us all in the crosshairs.

Speaking of crosshairs, I can remember the left being appalled because Sarah Palin put architectural registration mark crosshairs on a map, saying she inspired the attempted murder of Gabby Giffords by doing so.

But saying someone deserves to die because of their political affiliation is perfectly reasonable and righteous behavior.

“When I am King you will be first against the wall.” – Thom Yorke


A Portland man who operated a print shop was shot and killed in the parking lot of a nightclub on Saturday, with police thus far unable to apprehend a suspect or establish a motive. 40-year old William Peters was shot and killed in the parking lot of the Acropolis bar, with a friend of his, Adam David-Lawrence Arrambide, also being shot and killed in a double homicide.

Peters was senselessly murdered on his four-year old daughter’s birthday. He also leaves behind a fiancée. Reports sourced from purported friends of Peters indicate that the 503print owner was leaving the club uneventfully when a vehicle pulled up in front of the parking spot his truck was in. After an exchange of words, Peters, and Arrambide were shot.

On a Portland Reddit page, left-wing haters celebrated the family man’s death..


ht/ fdr in hell

17 Comments on Left-wing celebrates family man’s shooting, saying his death was deserved because he supported Trump

  1. I can’t imagine living surrounded by diehard commies, much less opening a business. I have a neighbor two doors down who posts Bernie signs in their yard every election. I avoid them like the plague. Even their mangy dog knows better than to make a pitstop near my yard.

  2. We don’t know if his political views precipitated this unlawful killing but it does illustrate the lesson I learned a long time ago; living in a leftist dystopian enclave, I don’t advertise my conservative views in any fashion, no bumper stickers, t-shirts, or hats and especially no political signs in front of my house.

    It is no secret that leftism is a pathological disorder that results in a diminishment of reason, tolerance, and acceptable behavioral norms. In other words, the lunatics and malcontents are just looking for an excuse to virtue signal at the expense of my safety.

  3. This is not a clear story. Mentions it was his daughter’s birthday, as if that is significant but he was out at a nightclub? That doesn’t make sense. The story is mixing too much into the narrative in an attempt to draw a conclusion. Probably just an argument with a ja***** that had a gun a no qualms about using it. Unfortunate.


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