Pelosi must be hitting the cooking sherry – IOTW Report

Pelosi must be hitting the cooking sherry

This is the strangest clip to date.

WTH is she talking about?

ht/ woody

26 Comments on Pelosi must be hitting the cooking sherry

  1. She has the Biden brain rot, just 2 years behind.

    They must have given her the same drugs they gave Your fearless leader just before the election just like Trump said.

  2. Neurosyphilis:

    At any stage, syphilis can spread and, among other damage, cause damage to the brain and nervous system (neurosyphilis) and the eye (ocular syphilis).

    At some point in time, she apparently screwed the wrong person.

  3. “I’m here to chew bubblegum and kick Biden, and I’m all out of bubblegum.”
    “Ask not what you can do for Biden, but what Biden can do for you.”
    “Ready, aim, Biden.”
    “Unleash Biden.”
    “Forget it, Jake. It’s Biden.”
    “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different Biden.”
    “I think, therefore I am Biden.”

  4. she’s purposely trying to get under our skin, rubbing our noses in it. Or trying.

    Showing the mentality of those who think they are elite and above the law.

  5. Well if it’s ASSumed Pelosi must be hitting the cooking sherry then it must be ASSumed my Petey B must be hitting my unbleached elastic starfish!

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