Woke Mattel Creates New Barbies – Historical Figure Eleanor Roosevelt is Featured – IOTW Report

Woke Mattel Creates New Barbies – Historical Figure Eleanor Roosevelt is Featured


ht/ fdr in hell

What say you, FDR?

45 Comments on Woke Mattel Creates New Barbies – Historical Figure Eleanor Roosevelt is Featured

  1. During WWll, in a USO stop in North Africa, Eleanor was the emcee for the show. When she introduced Lucy Monroe (a famed opera singer known for spirited renditions of The Star Spangled Banner) was going to sing The Star Spangled Banner, a soldier in the crowd shouted: “Lucy Monroe sucks c*ck!”

    Without missing a beat, Eleanor replied in her haughty voice: “Be that as it may, Lucy Monroe will now sing The Star Spangled Banner”

  2. Yeah, and that thing from Pennsylvania who is workin for Health and Human Services is a “woman”.

    I’m waitin for Hilary Clinton to weigh in on the doll seeing how she used to talk to the old bag at night while roaming the halls of the White House looking for something to eat.

  3. I wonder if Mattel will do one of Margaret Sanger with lots of little accessories. I do hope she is burning in Hell. What news F.D.R. I Hell?

  4. @ Conservative N. Cowgirl

    Last night Peg got into an argument with Elijah Cummings over the type of heat down here. Elijah started calling her names and it escalated from there. Kate Smith finally intervened with an old song about ‘cullard’ children.

    Typical Friday-Night-Fights.

  5. Next for Mattel: The Larry and Bruce Gay Dolls…that fit snugly into each other. Kids can play with it and learn all about the queer lifestyle at the same time.

    Or has this been done already?


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