I’m Waiting! – IOTW Report

I’m Waiting!

Images from:

1 Mansfield Lovell (Auggie) waiting for Mommy to get home
2 Callmelennie (Sagan and Rustin) waiting for my daughter to return from shopping with her mother
3 Lilly (Lilly the Aussie) waiting for my son to come back from a run to the store for me after my knee surgery
4 & 6 Pixabay.com
5 pxhere.com
7 & 8 Unsplash.com

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • St. Patrick’s Day Critters – Please have your pictures in to me by Friday Noon. Sorry for this late notice. I forgot to tell you it’s coming up!
  • Critters with strange toys – cats like catnip mice, dogs like balls, birds like mirrors. What does you critter like to play with that’s unusual?
  • Easter critters – Who doesn’t love puppies with bunny ears, or kitties in a basket of eggs? Let’s see what you can come up with, K?
  • Sleeping critters – Where do your critters like to sleep? Any critters with strange sleeping arrangement? – Theme idea from Mansfield Lovell.
  • Taking your critter for a ride – – Theme idea from Col. Angus: “Hannah’s favorite activity in the world is riding in the pickup with her daddy. She would be content to go drive up and down the driveway. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only iOTW-er with a furry co-pilot/navigator.”


16 Comments on I’m Waiting!

  1. Has anyone else noted that dogs always seem to know exactly when you’re going to be home and waiting for you at the door to greet you with enthusiasm and a happily wagging tail because they missed you while you were gone for awhile. Cats on the other hand could care less, “Big deal, you’re home, now either feed me or leave me alone unless I’m in a good mood to greet you.”

  2. Good Sunday morning iOTWR. Love theses pics Claudia.

    I had a dog who would come to the side of the bed where I was sleeping every morning at 4:00AM and give me a nudge with her snout just to remind me that I had an hour left before getting up. Of course that also meant she got fed. Dogs are smart, especially when there’s food involved

  3. @ Geoff: There was a VERY large cat somewhere near our neighborhood no one ever saw until our d-i-l came to visit with our son. Their visits were irregular in timing and not frequent. They live 90 miles away. Yet, when Sue showed up that cat showed up within an hour or less. NEVER failed! We always were amazed. But Sue wasn’t…

  4. Mary Hatch
    LOL 😂
    Didn’t know cars could eat except maybe to guzzle gas.
    Love the pictures as always, and thanks Claudia. Have a great and happy Sunday.


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