Deep Nostalgia Fakes – IOTW Report

Deep Nostalgia Fakes

Historical photos and paintings and sculptures animated to have them come to life.

iOTW did a little crude animating back in the day.

(Yes, this is Admin Girl speaking again.)

20 Comments on Deep Nostalgia Fakes

  1. I have been playing with this all week, animating photos of ancestors who died long before I was born. I was surprised at the depth of my emotion, frankly. Absolutely amazing technology.

  2. The technology is amazing. Other videos I have enjoyed seeing are old films that are upscale to 60 FPS. Many of them are colonized as well.

    Some work very well but the original film has to be very clear and stable. This is one of the best ones. It is from 1902 and almost looks like a video rather than a film.

    There is also a โ€œthen and nowโ€ video of this somewhere.

    The reason video has a different look than film is because of the frame rate more than anything else. Pretty interesting stuff.

  3. My sister found this site and posted an animation of our father, who died a few months before she was born, when I was 5. I don’t know whether she or I –or our mother– was more stunned. We never had any home movies and only a few photos to remember him by. This was amazing.

    Then, I decided to be an eejit and animate a painted portrait just for a bit of comic relief. That was oddly effective and funny. will let you do five photos free. (Of course, the Chinese and/or the FBI are probably compiling facial recognition databases with your photos so, you may want to stick with dead people and portraits too.)

  4. I imagine Samuel Clemens and Ben Franklin cracking jokes. Lincoln would of smile and started telling stories that were really parables for our time.

    What we would learn if we could bring these great men back through time. Of course they’d take one look at the mess we’re in and demand to be taken back.

  5. Carrie Nation made me laugh out loud. They took her hatchet away! That’s like the statue of FDR in DC where they removed his cigarette.

    Anyway, in a couple of years I’m sure Honest Abe will be selling us soap in some retro video.


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