Bath and Body Jerks – Fight Breaks Out Over Social Distancing – IOTW Report

Bath and Body Jerks – Fight Breaks Out Over Social Distancing

A woman felt like another woman was too close too her and was gonna kill her with ‘rona, so they tried to kill eachother.

39 Comments on Bath and Body Jerks – Fight Breaks Out Over Social Distancing

  1. This is Northern Phoenix. Not a PWT area. Last week, right down the street an older Asian guy was beat to death by a brutha. What the hell’s going on in Phoenix?

  2. Phoenix is a big city. Just like any other.

    Although…to be fair…. anytime anyone from up here goes down there…they take a gun.


  3. Well….it’s getting built up here. By which I mean real estate is getting more pricey. My neighbors two house down moved. House was for sale for a whole week.

    HOWEVER. Again, if you don’t mind an extra 1/2 hour drive everywhere…you can still get county land at a deal. 40 acres for 38grand. You just have to drill your own well and come up with a way to generate electricity. That’s still way less than a tract house.

    Look at Williamson valley. Spectacular views, some housing developments, some giant ranches, some smaller plots available. You’ll have electricity.

    The opposite valley from us is Sedona, Oak Creek canyon, Jerome. Ugh. Cottonwood…also ugh. But Cornville is nice. Go figure.

    North of Phoenix is Prescott, North East is Show Low and mountains.
    NorthWest is Kingman, Havasu. meh.

    The very best place is the Buckskin, and land right across the Grand Canyon. Hours and hours from Phoenix, sweet hunting, no neighbors. Land isn’t haunted like so much of Arizona is.

    Go ahead and laugh. You’ll experience it.

    The point is, you gotta’ get out googlemap and start looking. There’s lot’s of lil’ places.

  4. I don’t know, I think it was political!! I hear someone yell my president something, something. I don’t think the blond wanted to wear a mask and they workers were not happy and wanted her to leave. Or some such thing. There all CRAZY I tell ya!

    God Bless us all!

  5. Trust me, if the customer that was standing too close was black, these Coward A$$ white girls would have NEVER said a word or threw a fist. They would have moved on over to a safe place. Black girl would have jacked them ALL up and these Cowards know it.

  6. yeah there’s stuff available next to me.

    I remember now, you’re bringing a business along with you.

    Business in Chino, Prescott…or Prescott valley..yuck. And live someplace else. Like put the business in a town under city rules but have your house on county land.

    Chino Valley, closest to me…is….well….

    Pretty sure all the best episodes of “COPS” were filmed there. But it has a Safeway and I don’t need to spend time in town. It’s a place in transition. Paulden is slightly farther north. I’ll skip the long story and merely point out the farther west you get from the 89 the better it is.

    Crown King is really, really cool. Googlemap it. Worth looking at. South of Prescott, near I-17. In the mountains.

    But if I could do it all over? Williamson Valley.

  7. Don’t know which way you’re coming from, but if it’s on the 10 from Cali, take the 60 towards Salome and hit the 89. A way nicer drive.

    At night time in the early spring, you can smell the sweet perfume of the desert like what you read about in old timey western books.

    If you’re on the 40, check out the Seligman area before dropping down the 89 through Prescott to get to Phoenix.

    Oh, ALWAYS pay for gas inside. Don’t ever pay at the pump. This whole state is crawling with card readers attached to pumps.

    Ignore all Indians unless directly spoken to.

    Bring extra food. We’re notorious for not having anything to eat for 200 miles in any direction.

    Stay out of the left lane unless your vehicle is capable of breaking the sound barrier. Don’t stop at roundabouts unless necessary.

    Enjoy your trip! Make sure you shoot something before you leave.

  8. @Burr

    Real estate is getting pricier in the Arizona highlands? The devil you say!!
    Makes you wonder if there’s a connection to that slight warming trend that struck Phoenix in August of last year

    We closed on a house in Prescott Valley in June of last year because wifey was growing weary of Phoenix summers (she’s not a native) At the time we had no idea what was headed our way,and what a stroke of luck that was!!

  9. Having just seen a much clearer video this turns out to be not nearly as funny as it first appears

    There’s a smallish blond woman who appears at first blush to be the black hat. In fact, it looks like she was assaulted by two female employees who were much larger than her. It looks like one even punched her in the face, and then she was dragged to the ground

    The large woman in black shorts is trying to help the smaller woman, yelling “Let go of her!”

    And then the soy-sucking manager compounds the outrage by trying to throw her out without her purse. Outrageous

    And to make it all worse, this may have started when a member of our oppressed melanin enriched community cut in line right in front of her. I’m sure our local media will be all over that part of the story

  10. Callmelennie

    PRESCOTT VALLEY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    You’re ass to elbow with your neighbors. Sell that house for a profit and move out to Williamson Valley or as far north as you can get.


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