Texas State Rep. introduces bill to finish Trump’s border wall – IOTW Report

Texas State Rep. introduces bill to finish Trump’s border wall

Sara A. Carter: Amid a tense national debate over the U.S.-Mexico border, a Texas lawmaker is pushing for the construction of former President Donald Trump’s border wall to continue.

Since President Biden took office in January, he has signed a slew of executive orders that reverse many of Trump’s policies. One of those orders included striking down the ongoing construction of the Southern border wall.

Texas Stae Rep. Bryan Slaton has introduced legislation before the Texas house to “finish President Trump’s wall in Texas.” Further, the bill seeks to name the wall after Trump, according to The Texan. more

7 Comments on Texas State Rep. introduces bill to finish Trump’s border wall

  1. The legal immigrants to this country should be absolutely incensed by this situation.

    I know when I moved to Canada, I had to go through years of hoops just to finally get my legal work finished to become a “landed immigrant”. I had moved here because marriage, yet I still needed to fill out reams of paperwork and pass a health check to make sure I wasn’t bringing in any diseases from the United States!

    I add, too, that I had tried to be proactive in finding out what was needed before I arrived.

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