From Reader Jellybean- “What is the one question you would like answered before you die?” – IOTW Report

From Reader Jellybean- “What is the one question you would like answered before you die?”


Have at it.

Maybe our family has some answers!

114 Comments on From Reader Jellybean- “What is the one question you would like answered before you die?”

  1. Does the “Many Worlds” interpretation of quantum mechanics describe how the universe actually works, and is there a way I can shift to another world with far fewer stupid people in it than this one (present company excepted)?

  2. @ Uncle Al
    I don’t buy the Many Worlds interpretation; it’s a cop out to claim it’s easier to believe there are infinite parallel universes rather than one God.

    That said, I’d like to know the shape of the universe.

  3. @Burr, doodle bug mechanic
    Gravity is the effect caused by moving through warped space.

    @Kcir No reason to think that there isn’t, provided one also accepts that the finite speed of light, vast distances, and expansion of the univers effectively quarrantines each creation from the others.

  4. @Little Morphin’ Annie
    Color is a wavelength of light. As it fades from view, the lightwaves are stretched into the infrared spectrum, beyond our ability to perceive with the naked eye.

  5. When you shut the water flowing through a garden hose off, the water in the hose stops moving, and if you live in my area of the country, it should be removed during winter so it doesn’t freeze.

    When you unplug an extension cord, where does the electricity go, and why can’t I dump it out?

    (Asking for AOC)

  6. Sturge, that’s the old, Newtonion Einstein idea.

    But that dog won’t hunt no more. We gots the electromagnetic force, which we’re beginning to understand, the weak and strong forces, which is Unky Al’s bag of subatomic tricks.

    Gravity is just so…..wuss, by comparison. There has to be something about it we’re missing.

  7. @Sturge: Thank you. I can now die content.

    …or, since I now have The Answer, do I get another question?

    If so: Are souls in Heaven sad when they realize they’re going to be separated from their fun friends for eternity?

  8. The number one question I’ve had all my life:
    Is there really a God.and did he really create the life on Earth?
    Given all the complexities of the life cycles of the various species, it’s impossible to imagine this all evolved without some guiding force.

  9. @Little Morphin’ Annie
    Suppose that second chance we all sometimes wish for were granted. If most amend their ways, but a few do not, I suspect that those few would be harder to miss. And meeting The Creator face to face, I’m sure, will make much of this life fade in significance.

  10. My question is unanswerable. First, I just read a story about a gravitational wave hitting earth that was said to originate seven BILLION light years from earth. I can’t fathom how far away that is in miles. So, that said, I’m going with the premise that between here and there multiple versions of intelligent life exists. I think in addition to that list of unknowns beings, I’ll add elephants and dolphins and maybe a gorilla or two. With that backstory, here’s my question: If it were possible to make a list of all the intelligence in our universe, a universe that extends billions of light years in all directions, and if said list was arranged by most intelligent brings to least intelligent, where would humans be placed on the list. Personally, I don’t think we’re so intelligent. We have far too many flaws, not to mention we’re measuring ourselves against ourselves. Anyway, I am certain we’re not #1. Probably, if such a list is one day created, it is likely our entry will say Earth Humans (extinct). Until then, we all at least get a Participant Trophy.

  11. @Mr. Anth Ropy
    I don’t have a great issue with evolution, up to a point. Species can differentiate, sure, but not become something wholly and fundamentally different. Life comes from life.

  12. @lurker
    7B x 6T (approx) = 42,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles. AKA 42 sextillion.

    There is less than 2% difference in the DNA of a chimp vs. human. What would another 2% difference make? 5%? The greatest minds to have graced this Earth – Newton, Einstein, Hawking, Beethoven, etc. – would seem like kindergartners to them. They’d calculate the Cosmological Constant as preschool homework.

  13. Sturge March 8, 2021 at 10:28 pm

    “..@stirrin the pot
    Death is the final result of separation from the source of life…”

    Yeah well, you might want to reconsider that one. While my question was tongue in cheek, your answer neglected the spiritual fact that death actually can, and should be, the CONNECTION TO the Source of Life – God the Father almighty.

  14. @stirrin the pot
    We separated from the Source very early in Genesis. Since then, death has reigned down here. The Source can indeed give us life again. That’s the resurrection and I look forward to it with both fear and awe.

  15. @Sturge — I like your answers, especially the one on evolution. So here’s another question: Why can’t the average person understand that there are “kinds”? There is simply zero evidence in fact or in theory in which one animal has become another kind of animal. Darwin’s theory is just that, a theory; and yet everyone seems to operate as though it is settled science.

  16. @LCDan
    Hawking was referring to String Theory. (ST is an attempt to unify QM and Relativity.) ST now requires between 13 and 28 dimensions. It is truly absurd to consider more than 10. In any case, most of these hypothesized dimensions are thought to be tiny – on the scale of the plank length.

  17. @AA
    Thank you! I’ve given this stuff a lot of thought over the last 40+ years. C. Darwin never suggested that one kind becomes another. He certainly insisted that one species of sparrow, tortoise, or flower could become differentiated if a population were to be separated from the parent population for a sufficient number of generations. And really, it wasn’t even C.Darwin that came up with the idea, it was his grandfather, Erasmus.

  18. @AA
    To answer further… “Why can’t the average person understand that there are “kinds”?” Because people don’t like to think. It’s hard when all you’ve grown up on is others pushing ideas into you (TV, Radio, school). Additionally, it’s been man’s effort to remove the idea of any God, well, since God was declared dead. Governments of all kinds wish to usurp that role.

  19. @AA
    Governments of all kinds wish to usurp that role. I need to amend that. Man wishes to usurp that role. Governments are just collections of us.

    @Jerry Manderin
    Pretty sure I already know what I’d hear in response. I think I’d rather just ask for mercy.

  20. I actually expected more questions on a serious note BUT….I love humor and I love each and every response.

    Thank you BFH for posting the question BTW….your response, (who the fuck is standing on my air hose???!!???}, is hilarious.

  21. @ Miss Kitty MARCH 8, 2021 AT 11:42 PM

    Check out the book of Job a little closer.

    The word dinosaur was coined in the 1800s, so, of course, that specific word is not mentioned in the bible. They often called them dragons.

    What we now call dinosaurs were created along with all the other land creatures on day 6. Noah’s flood is what buried them quickly enough to create fossils all over the world.

  22. Why are the contacts on my Android phone not syncing correctly with Outlook? Yeah, I live in the moment and will leave the deep thinking to people like AOC.

  23. I want the truth behind all criptids.

    Bigfoot? Lochness? Vampires?

    I want the sauce. Is it demons or possession or an actual creature or what? I WANNA KNOW.

  24. The answer to 75% of these questions would be “BOOBIES”.
    I love boobies.
    When I die, will there be boobies where I go?

  25. @joe6pak

    The Pearly Gates implies that there is a wall around Heaven. Hell has a wall around it too.

    Walls are a good thing.

    Will Noah’s Ark ever be revealed (conclusive proof) to the masses?

  26. Augie MARCH 9, 2021 AT 7:13 AM

    What is the time span of God’s “day” in Earth/human terms? Is it 24 hours, 1,000 years, 10,000 years?

    One complete spin of the earth.

    Same in Genesis as it is now. Plants can go a day without the Sun but not for thousands of years.

    God is light. So the Sun is not what was giving the first light when he said “Let there be light”.

  27. 1harpazo MARCH 9, 2021 AT 7:37 AM

    When the rapture occurs, will anybody who witnessed it be saved?

    Yes. As far as I have learned, it is written that many will be saved afterwards. The chance at it is over after the 1000 year reign of Christ on Earth.

  28. Serious question to boomer abortion supporters, especially those who are the fourth or fifth child

    If your parents had the same attitudes toward abortion that you do .. would you even exist?

  29. Also….

    If human life doesn’t begin at conception, then when does it begin … when the fetus goes.from 100 billion cells to 100 billion and 1 cell?

  30. nco77 MARCH 9, 2021 AT 7:47 AM

    Why can’t I have my cake and eat it too? Isn’t that the reason for having cake?

    The original saying was: You can’t eat your cake and have it too. In other words, if you eat it, it is gone now. You can’t still posses it in it’s uneaten state. It’s a “duh” saying lost when the order of the words was reversed by people not really communicating the underlying truth to it.

    Many sayings get twisted over the years. For instance, “Break a leg” as a good luck saying was born from the “leg” that raised and lowered the curtain on stage. Hence, you are being wished that your performance was so good the “leg” broke from so many curtain calls.

    While it still means “good luck”, the original reference has been obscured by modern times and non stage actors using it so much.

  31. I had a dream about Jesus once. I was in a graveyard fighting off spirits and Jesus appeared and walked me out of the graveyard. I knew who He was as soon as I saw Him. He walked me to the gate of the GY and told me to go. I was so happy to get out of there I turned and started to run away. Then I stopped and said to myself, Wait a minute, this is JESUS.” So I turned back around and he was still standing there. I couldn’t think of even one question to ask him (seemed like just seeing Him answered them all), so I just said “I love you,” and he said “I love you too.” and then I took off running back to my life. In my defense, his tone/demeanor at the graveyard gate when telling me to go back to my life didn’t leave much room for disobeying.

  32. Is there life on other planets?


    Was the 2020 Steal an orchestrated effort or are there simply that many criminals in the election commissions who just happened to magically sync their efforts.

  33. @Dadof4

    On this side of the rapture, salvation is by grace through faith. The definition of faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT seen.

    Just as those who were outside the ark when the rain came did not get a second chance and those in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah when the fire and brimstone rained down from heaven did not get a second chance, the ones who witness the rapture will not get a second chance. Jesus said so in Luke 17:26-30 and Matt 24:37-39.

    Those who receive eternal life during the 1000 year reign of Jesus will be those who keep the law perfectly (Jer 31:31-34), who are the sheep in Matt 25:31-46 and are the progeny of those who witnessed the rapture.

  34. Dadof4 Rapture won’t happen when the vast majority of Christians have been taught. They have been taught that the rapture will occur prior to the 70th week of Daniel starting. In other words, they believe that the church will be rescued before the Tribulation/Great Tribulation (70th week of Daniel) begins.

    My question about Noah’s ark being discovered (up thread) and my question about whether the left behind witnesses of the rapture could be saved is to me an extra-biblical reasoning supporting the belief that the rapture will not be pre-tribulation.

    Here’s my thinking: If a great multitude that no man can number appears in heaven that come out of the great tribulation (Rev 7:9-17) and if it is still salvation by grace through faith at that point then the rapture could not have happened before the Tribulation because the great multitude would have witnessed it and their salvation would be based on sight. Let’s face it-if you witness millions of people leave the earth all at once, you’re going to believe in God.

    The biblical proof is Luke 17:26-30 and Matt 24:37-39. Jesus said that the separation of the righteous from the unrighteous in Noah’s day and Lot’s day occurred on the same day that God’s wrath began and nobody was saved other than Noah and his family and Lot and his daughters. Jesus said that it would be the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed/comes. Once the rapture happens, nobody left behind will be saved. That means that the Tribulation/Great Tribulation is not God’s wrath and the rapture occurs sometime between the Abomination of Desolation and before the end of the 70th week (Matt 24 15-28).

    To answer your question, I just wanted the Christians who read this to logically consider that people who witness the rapture can’t be saved.

    Thanks for asking.

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