Zuckerberg Funded Democrat Group Given “Authority” Over Election In Green Bay – IOTW Report

Zuckerberg Funded Democrat Group Given “Authority” Over Election In Green Bay

Wisconsin Spotlight

Hundreds of pages of emails and other documents obtained by Wisconsin Spotlight show that grant money from private left leaning groups, funded largely by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, resulted in Democrat activists infiltrating the November presidential election in Wisconsin’s five largest cities.

Here’s what the emails and Wisconsin Spotlight’s investigation found:

  • A former Democratic operative, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, served as a de facto elections administrator and had access to Green Bay’s absentee ballots days before the election
  • Spitzer-Rubenstein asked Green Bay’s clerk if he and his team members could help correct or “cure” absentee ballots like they did in Milwaukee.
  • Green Bay’s clerk grew increasingly frustrated with the takeover of her department by the Democrat Mayor’s staff and outside groups.
  • Brown County Clerk Sandy Juno said the contract stipulated that Spitzer-Rubenstein would have four of the five keys to the KI Center ballroom where ballots were stored and counted.
  • Brown County’s clerk said the city of Green Bay “went rogue.”
  • Election law experts said the city illegally gave left-leaning groups authority over the election.


Breaking: WI House of Representatives Committee on Campaigns and Elections Hearing Today

11 Comments on Zuckerberg Funded Democrat Group Given “Authority” Over Election In Green Bay

  1. Every week there is something new about the 2020 voting chicanery!!
    They cheated in every way and every place possible! They’re like old WWII bombs; we keep finding more of them all the time!!

  2. I heard this report on our local news talk radio today.
    Green Bay, Madison and Milwaukee all received campaign funding from Zuckerberg.
    Good conservative radio daily 8:30am to 7:00PM – WTAQ.com


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