Court Case Accuses Panda Express of Subjecting Employees to ‘Cult-Like’ Training – IOTW Report

Court Case Accuses Panda Express of Subjecting Employees to ‘Cult-Like’ Training

That Forces Them to Strip With Co-Workers.

In the past few weeks, we’ve learned that Coke and UnderArmour subjected employees to bizarre, woke training that told them to “try to be less white.” One might think that that’s as bad as corporate training could get.

Panda Express in California asks corporate America to hold its beer.

21 Comments on Court Case Accuses Panda Express of Subjecting Employees to ‘Cult-Like’ Training

  1. …I washed dishes in a Mom-and-Pop Taiwanese restaurant NAMED “Panda” for more years than I care to remember, but never in my underwear.

    …kind of a shame too, I was 14 and megahorny when I started, and the owner’s wife and most of the waitresses were pretty cute, but maybe a good thing to because of the live squid in the dishwashing sink…

  2. This is the kind of spin-off shit that happens in the chaos of all this rampant Leftist “victim” mentality and Cancel Culture intimidation. People have a legitimate fear of losing their jobs or careers if they don’t toe the line for whatever insanity comes strolling down hallway!
    Panda Express sounds like the K-Mart of Chinese food… not for me!!

  3. K-Mart was not expensive as Panda Express is. They are way too expensive and overpriced for me and I was not impressed. There are far better real Chinese restaurants elsewhere that have better menus and prices than Panda Express does. You might say that they are the Taco Hell of Chinese take out joints and far more expensive. And for some reason they seem to attract lots of Yuppies and upscale trendy people. I’ll pass and go elsewhere.

  4. Almost all of this new indoctrination and forced compliance, from woke brainwashing to masking and “covid passports” is being done to us by private corporations, and not through government command, thus skirting Constitutional conflict.

    This is the very essence of fascism, where the government allows private enterprise, but only if private entities use their clout in service of leftist government interests. It is what China has been practicing for the last thirty years and what our elites have planned for us. Who knew Hitler and Mussolini were men ahead of their time?

  5. I have witnessed the Walmart “Pep talk” while shopping and found that to be humiliating to any human with a mind of their own.
    I felt embarrassed for those staff people.

    Panda & the Training company need serious LAW$UIT$ and Criminal charges “Bigly”

  6. Corporate America is gutless.
    They will commit treason against their nation, their selves, and their employees in their headlong rush to political correctness (whatever it may be this morning).

    The nihilists cannot be appeased.
    Every conciliation to them is a sign of weakness, pusillanimity, and subjection.
    They (corporate America) should feel shame, but they have no idea what that is.

    No wonder, really, when we consider that Standard Oil was heading up Nazi Germany’s synthetic oil program and International Business Machines aided them, as well. Siemen’s was still exporting, as was Philips, to their American and International partners.

    Never let morality get in the way of pocketing a buck.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Tim: If I don’t like the way businesses comes after my personal business, I don’t shop there and I tell them why. I’ve got a few on my list and I don’t go there. Traitor Joes, Starbutts, Bargain Market, Big 5, Target, Amazon to name a few are on my $hit list. Confront me at the door about a mask and you’re on my $hit list. Put other races over mine, you’re on my $hitlist……

  8. …but never lose sight of how dumb people can be when authoritatively told to do something…

    “She was a high school senior who had just turned 18 — a churchgoing former Girl Scout who hadn’t received a single admonition in her four months working at the McDonald’s in Mount Washington.

    But when a man who called himself “Officer Scott” called the store on April 9, 2004, and said an employee had been accused of stealing a purse, Louise Ogborn became the suspect.”

    “Summers, 51, conceded later that she had never known Ogborn to do a thing dishonest. But she nonetheless led Ogborn to the restaurant’s small office, locked the door, and — following the caller’s instructions — ordered her to remove one item of clothing at a time, until she was naked.

    “She was crying,” recalled Kim Dockery, 40, another assistant manager, who stood by watching. “A little young girl standing there naked wasn’t a pretty sight.””

  9. Something stinks about this story. Panda Express restaurants are franchises. Usually family owned and run. Maybe Cooperate headquarters like getting neked. But I don’t see this happening at the store level.

  10. Mansfield Lovell
    MARCH 11, 2021 AT 2:03 PM
    “Does Panda Express cause your shit to get backed up & constipated like PF Chang does?”

    …I haven’t been back to a PF Chang since my 8 year old son projectile vomited onto everyone at the next table after drinking milk and chasing it with lemonade.

    He’s 21 now.

    So I can’t tell you what they do in there any more.

  11. How do you tell a Panda to be less white?

    Pandas and Zebras are the Obamas of the animal kingdom. Though not as clean and articulate without a hint of negro dialect unless they need to.

  12. Alive Seminars and Coaching Academy began with a vision and a statement powerful. That as the declaration is made, the action is taken Which was done with love and passion. With that love and passion creating basic and advanced programs and Leaderships To prepare leaders both in their community, in their jobs and their homes Alive continues to thrive on our dedication and passion given to each individual person and that is why great doors continue to open in our walk. Always remember the change in me will change the world

    Wanna bet that was written by the CCP and translated by google.

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