In our quest to find peak stupidity, we present —> – IOTW Report

In our quest to find peak stupidity, we present —>

ht/ c. steven tucker

39 Comments on In our quest to find peak stupidity, we present —>

  1. Not much difference between her and Libtards driving in a car by themselves wearing a mask. I heard a Pod Cast today from a MD that was highly educated in the Weaponized virus attacks. Because that’s what this was. He says if you have not been effected by now, you have a natural immunity. I totally agree.

  2. At one point, I would have said that was a joke. But sadly, I have to believe it’s exactly what it looks like. I have seen people alone in a car with a mask and a moron at the Dr. with two on.

  3. And here I was wondering how masks ended up clinging to coral reefs. I thought it must just be sorry people littering from shore, but this presents a new possibility. Maybe the “environmentalists” were just trying to keep the reefs from getting the chyna virus and they had to wear masks themselves while doing their good deed.

  4. “The stupidest person in the world 2021.”

    It’s early yet.

    The indoctrination took well with this one, didn’t it? Not much independence of thought or skepticism. Good candidate for the SS, the Guards, or the FBI.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Masks have really made my life easier! In years past, I had to wait for someone to say or do something stupid before I could accurately determine that they were an idiot. Now all I need to do is look at them. Thanks, COVID-19!

  6. Meanwhile, one of those deadly bacteria that floats around in contaminated waters has found it’s way into her body and will kill her in a couple of days.

  7. I believe that is one of those new-fangled diving masks. It lets the oxygen through but keeps the water out. That way you can go diving without needing all of that expensive and bulky SCUBA equipment. I think it was developed by Tesla, so that when their cars burst into flames the driver can drive into the nearest body of water without drowning.

  8. No, I disagree that the woman pictured is peak stupidity. This person is;

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  9. Back in the day, the CIA used to put wet masks over the faces of people and call it “waterboarding”

    Back then, the white liberal Karens went total @peshit about that. Now they do it to themselves.

    Of course, back then it was done to prevent the mass murder of Americans, so this inconsistency is completely understandable


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