Angela Merkel’s party takes a hammering in German state elections – exit polls – IOTW Report

Angela Merkel’s party takes a hammering in German state elections – exit polls

RT: German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party has suffered heavy losses in two state elections, as the long-ruling leader fights corruption scandals and looks to choose a successor for this year’s elections.

Voters in the states of Baden-Wuerttemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate went to the polls on Sunday, and by the time exit polls were published that evening, it was clear that they had given Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) a drubbing. 

The CDU could once count on support from Baden-Wuerttemberg, an industrial state which is home to auto manufacturers Porsche, Daimler, and Mercedes-Benz. However, the Green Party was projected by TV network ZDF to take home 31.5% of the vote, leaving the CDU in second place with 23%, down 4% from 2016. In Baden-Wuerttemberg, the CDU is, and looks set to remain, the junior partner in a coalition with the Greens. read more

9 Comments on Angela Merkel’s party takes a hammering in German state elections – exit polls

  1. To a party even more far left than Merkels. Freaken amazing. Germans are freaken stupid.If Trump were still President we’d have all those Euro Trash car companies moving their Corporate head quarters here. But the current regime has other plans. Poverty reigns high on their list of achievements.

  2. Gotterdamerrung!
    Auch du lieber!
    Meion Gott! Frau Merkel?

    not the least
    Lech mein Ramesh! Frau

    I refuse to speak French!

    Flor non Saxon ksleakesr all bad things; so I’m told.
    Ich Versteqa nicht!

  3. “…However, the Green Party was projected by TV network ZDF to take home 31.5% of the vote, leaving the CDU in second place with 23%…”

    If the German “Green Party” is the same as what we have here, then I second Brad. Apparently Germans are willing to jump from the frying pan into the fire. It seems that they didn’t learn their lesson from the 1930’s.

  4. The Green Party in Germany is as insane as PETA only worse. I was hoping the AfD would come out much better. More elections in September. We’ll see. My family in Germany was CDU until the party brought in Turkish Islamist ‘guest workers’ in the ’70’s. These nuts never assimilated. Merkel’s children from 3rd world shitholes are destroying the country.They are now AfD.


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