Quick, name an idea from AOC that you can almost agree with… – IOTW Report

Quick, name an idea from AOC that you can almost agree with…

A democrat elitist has an epiphany and is leaving the party.

38 Comments on Quick, name an idea from AOC that you can almost agree with…

  1. She helped destroy our nation, and now she’s complaining because HER career has been shot dead by the leftist loons she enabled.
    In any event: she’s about as funny as the proverbial crutch, and about as classy as al sharpton.

    At least she is being punished.

  2. Not enough brains to understand that only one party insists that we all think the same.

    The Republican party has striven to have a diverse group who discuss, disagree, agree, squabble, think, and work towards a goal that we can live with. Not necessarily love and accept every single thing that the Republicans say, but live with.

  3. Funny, she says she can’t be a Democrat because they demand group think but she can’t be a Republican because she finds any idea from a Republican to be suspect. So in one case it is what the party does, in the other it is how she feels about the party – while at the same time criticizing Republicans for rejecting any ideas from AOC.

  4. In the context of what she was talking about, a nation of ideas is NOT the answer. A nations of civil discourse and intelligent debate is. She was trying too hard to sound intelligent – without success.

  5. My Petey B told me that Jimmy Kimmel told him that Sarah Silverman has an unbleached elastic starfish just like my unbleached elastic starfish only her unbleached elastic starfish is way nastier than my unbleached elastic starfish!

  6. MJA that goofy Bitch nikki haley had a big part of enabling the cancel culture asswipes when she let the take down the STARS AND BARS from the state capitol building!

  7. If I needed some emergency corncobs prepared for the outhouse, I could “agree” with AOC; she could eat the corn CLEAN off ’em…

    …THROUGH a fence. 😳

  8. I like the idea that AOC has bigger cans than Silverman.

    Silverman thought utility markers painted on the streets of London were swastikas. She should easily have know the difference

    But AOC is far far stupider and more dangerous.

    So I’ll side with Candace Owens for $800 Alex.

  9. Silverman loves attention. Unfortunately for her comics are on the top of the commie hit list to be silenced.
    Nothing she said was relevant in that video. Hiding in the political middle will move her nowhere. She’s stuck in stupid. It definitely won’t protect her, a leftist stooge from cancel culture.
    The cancel nazis are coming for Silverman and she’s running scared.

  10. Chasten’s Unbleached Elastic Starfish

    Nobody want to read that shit here except for the four gay men that keep thumbing you up. Management knows those cowboy keisters names. Nobody cares about what you shove in your mouth or asshole.

  11. I think he needs the barrel of a loaded shotgun shoved up his ass, and then see if someone can blow the top of his head off. I’m not in the mood for his demented shit!

  12. There’s an old saying that goes ‘a Democrat is just a Republican who hasn’t been mugged yet’. The implication being that the proverbial Democrat is capable of learning from his or her mistake. I’ve seen a few real-world D’s skirt the line a time or two, but I haven’t seen any actually flip yet. Either they’re not as smart as a hypothetical D, or maybe the lesson takes a few applications to really set in.

  13. Now that Silverman has left the dem party she’ll have more free time to console the tender feelings and dry those ladyboy tears of her ex. Apparently Kimmel’s wife failed to slap some manliness into him, Sarah always wore the pants in their relationship anyway.

    As for something AOC said I can agree with? Thinking…thinking…thinking.
    I got nothing.

  14. Sarah Silverman’s comedy was always based on its shock value (i.e., a sweet young Jewish girl saying outrageous things). Sadly, in today’s world it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be shocked by anything anymore. She’s a one-trick pony and everyone’s seen her show.

    I will say, though, that at age 50 she still looks pretty good.


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