Chief Of Staff Mocks Press Corp For Wanting A Press Conference With Biden – IOTW Report

Chief Of Staff Mocks Press Corp For Wanting A Press Conference With Biden


White House chief of staff Ron Klain on Monday mocked media demands for President Joe Biden to hold a press conference. More

11 Comments on Chief Of Staff Mocks Press Corp For Wanting A Press Conference With Biden

  1. This administration is trying to undermine the First Amendment and destroy journalists.

    Or does that only apply to the Trump Administration when they talk about the MSM?

  2. “Husband and wife” are Effin A-holes! They just received fiat money that has no backing and will further enslave their children and grand children to a forever debt.

    The money for the teachers will be miss spent while their children continue to do remote learning.

    They were given a vaccine thanks to President Trump’s tireless work to get one developed early.

    And yes, I want Cadaver Joe to give a press conference so the American people can see what a hollowed out husk of a human the morons “elected” to be the leader of the free World.

  3. He’ll be hailed as hero of the MSM, so brave, this way they won’t have to try to make up questions, (read as softballs), and he won’t have to provide questions to selected “journalist” before hand. its a win win for all. Plus the bonus of us not having to hear stammering joey try to formulate an answer. He is sooooo brave


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