The Poor Boston Marathon Bomber Is Suffering, and He Wants Justice – IOTW Report

The Poor Boston Marathon Bomber Is Suffering, and He Wants Justice

Robert Spencer-

All the Boston Marathon jihad murderer Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did was murder three people; why is everyone being so mean to him? Young Tsarnaev is suffering, and he wants you to feel his pain: CBS Boston reported Wednesday that he has filed a hand-written lawsuit claiming that he has been mistreated in prison. 

In his plaintive handwritten lawsuit filing, Tsarnaev claims the Bureau of Prisons and Attorney General Merrick Garland are “interfering with his ability to communicate with his family, placing a hold on his money and hurting his chances of avoiding a death sentence.” 

It gets even worse for the poor lamb. “He said he was issued a face mask due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was reported when the face mask was missing a metal nosepiece. Tsarnaev said the mask was manufactured without the nosepiece and inclusion of the incident as a reason for special administrative measures violated his Fifth Amendment right to due process.”


20 Comments on The Poor Boston Marathon Bomber Is Suffering, and He Wants Justice

  1. Timothy McVeigh was executed 20 years ago as a domestic terrorist for killing 168 people with a bomb.
    Other than the number of people killed, what is the difference between McVeigh and Tsarnaev?
    Inquiring minds want to know, exactly how many people need to die before we execute a domestic terrorist murderer?

  2. I’m all for ending his miserable life, just put him in front of a firing squad, behead him, or hang him, give him one of those choices to pick. For his last meal, a slab of ham, bacon, and some pork fried rice, he’ll be happy. 🙂

  3. Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s wife, who had internet searches on how to make bombs and rewards for the wife of a mujahideen on her computer, is still walking free. That bitch should be rotting in prison, too.

  4. “… should be rotting in prison, too.”

    I disagree. Neither of them should be in prison.
    Both should be in a cemetery – or, better yet, their ashes mixed with pig fat and force fed to their relatives.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @ TRF MARCH 16, 2021 AT 9:59 AM

    “Inquiring minds want to know, exactly how many people need to die before we execute a domestic terrorist murderer?”

    “we” very much complicates matters. The brothers Tsarnaev were acting as the progressive movement’s foot soldiers, or in this case bombers. This is a function of the progressive movement having gained critical mass and thereby sufficient power to offer protection to this cretin. In my case, I do not recognize any “we” connection with followers of that wicked, evil and Satanic cult and have nothing but contempt for anyone who does. The progressive movement does not value American culture and would like nothing more than to completely destroy our way of life.

  6. JD – Right now we are sliding down the slippery slope of the Oily Politics and practices of democRAT nonsense, shenanigans and skullduggery with all their designer Crises specifically fabricated to gin-up something to take “offense at” in order to divide the people, spend our money, drain our resources and weaken America!
    The sooner we get over these 1st world synthetic problems the sooner we can get back to the semblence of sanity of a civilization that used to know how to deal with these dregs of society!

  7. woody
    MARCH 16, 2021 AT 11:45 AM
    “Put him on pressure cooker detail.
    Line em up and make him guess which one doesn’t have the thermite with bolts and nails.”

    …spoiler: they’re ALL loaded, so it’s just as fair as when HE did it…


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