Teen Arrested For Burning A Man To Death – IOTW Report

Teen Arrested For Burning A Man To Death


Two teenagers are now charged with murder after police say they set a man on fire inside his home. That man, Steven Amenhauser, died at 4 o’clock Tuesday morning.

Police arrested a 16-year-old and a 14-year-old and police say the 14-year-old has been arrested three times in the past seven months. More

There seems to be a media blackout on the race of the two suspects. Here

24 Comments on Teen Arrested For Burning A Man To Death

  1. ” … police say the 14-year-old has been arrested three times in the past seven months. ”

    You’d think that would have tipped somebody off that something was wrong and needed attention real quick like.

    Things like this never seem to happen without clear warnings about something going on first.

  2. Just kids having fun … nothing to see here … move along …

    Ta youts dintna hava puppy when dey was groyn up … an shit …
    300 years of Oppressions!

    Feral rats.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The two killers, at 14 and 16, are old enough that the chance of “rehabilitation” is just about zero. They will always be what they are now: not fit for membership in civilized society.

    Monroe County District Attorney’s office:

    …under New York State law, as the result of the Raise the Age legislation, 16-year-old Zayvion Perry will be prosecuted as an Adolescent Offender. Due to the nature of the allegations, he will likely remain in the Youth Part of Superior Court. 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr. will be prosecuted as a Juvenile Offender. His matter will remain in Youth Part. Youth Part is a criminal court where Adolescent Offenders and Juvenile Offenders remain subject to criminal liability as adults.

    I don’t know exactly what else “Youth Part” means but at least there’s that bit about adult criminal liability.

  4. …death by burning liquid.

    Seen this before.

    Shall I tell you what they TRULY did to this man?

    …we don’t know how the initial assault was conducted, but I’m a 50ish man, so I can tell you that “Sat down in his chair” from the story was followed by “and fell asleep”. This is likely how these thugs found this man, sleeping soundly in his chair.

    So they doused him with a flammable liquid.

    This is not named either, nor is whether he was restrained at the time. Flammable liquids tend to be ironically cold on application, so if he WAS sleeping it undoubtedly shocked him awake.

    It was apparently a fair amount of liquid to cause that widespread of damage, but really, setting his clothes on fire would be enough. The liquid would penetrate and saturate to his skin, with a volatile zone of vapor around him.

    They probably tormented him for a bit with a lighter before setting him off, that’s what the movies tell us is fun to do. This would give time for his clothes to wick the liquid out even further.

    Then the ignition.

    It probably burned his facial and head hair before anything else, as flammable liquids don’t immediately burn underneath, the vapors go first, but it lights the clothes, and you can’t take them off fast enough. “Stop, Drop, And Roll” probably isn’t in the lexicon of a mentally disadvantaged man, so he would have had the very human reaction of going into violent motion to the extent possible, maybe even running if he could. Probably taunted the whole while by his youthful tormentors.

    This only fans the flames.

    And makes it likely he inhaled them.

    Inhaling fire causes swelling in your throat, cutting your air and killing you if it’s extreme. He wasn’t so fortunate, we’re told he lived for four days afterwards, and being burned over 70% of his body, he most likely died of either hypovilemic shock (your body loses plasma to burns which screws your blood pressure up), or, more likely, died of an overwhelming infection because with the skin barrier broken, a world of opportunistic diseases awaits eagerly.

    Under these circumstances, your skin will present with concentric circles of burn injuries, raging from 1st to 4th degree (yes, there’s a degree past full-thickness burns that goes clear to the bone) that may vary in spots depending on what metal or plastic or rubber may have been involved in varying layers of clothing. You’d be surprised what burnt underwear elastic can do, or if your socks are burned off your body with your shoes, or what a necklace or wristwatch can add to the party if your breathing is so compromised by oral burn edema that you don’t have the strength to do anything about it now. You collapse as the flesh crisps on your bones, your dessicated ligaments retract your hands into painful claws, your skin blisters as you collapse into a foetal position because that’s the shape your damaged muscles and pain-wracked mind force you to.

    Someone must of put it out though, because he lived.

    For a while.

    …for four days he fought for life. He was probably tubed, his suppurating, broken flesh wrapped in sterile wraps and cooling gels except for when his dead flesh was debrided, which mostly involves having your flesh scrubbed with a wire brush to remove the dead before it can become gangrenous. This is extremely painful, and drugs used for pain management don’t seem that helpful in all cases.

    But for all that agony, he died anyway.

    Maybe it was sudden. As I said, burn injuries with that much body involvement can cause plasma loss leading to hypovilemic shock leading to arrest.

    But it was likely not that merciful.

    More probably, he succumbed to septic shock following an overwhelming infection, made more likely if there were spots his flesh was melted from his bones. Burn wards try, but with that much skin gone, opportunistc or noscomal infections are almost impossible to ward off successfully. This ultimately leads to multi-organ cascading failure and ultimately a slow, painful death.

    “Septic shock is a life-threatening condition that happens when your blood pressure drops to a dangerously low level after an infection.

    Any type of bacteria can cause the infection. Fungi such as candida and viruses can also be a cause, although this is rare.

    At first the infection can lead to a reaction called sepsis. This begins with weakness, chills, and a rapid heart and breathing rate.

    Left untreated, toxins produced by bacteria can damage the small blood vessels, causing them to leak fluid into the surrounding tissues.

    This can affect your heart’s ability to pump blood to your organs, which lowers your blood pressure and means blood doesn’t reach vital organs, such as the brain and liver.”

    …that is the death they sentenced this man to. For a laugh, out of race hatred, out of boredom, I don’t know.

    Doesn’t really matter.

    They’re charged with no more than simple assault. Likely a wrist slap, but they’re pre-adult Black children, so they will likely plea down to community service and probation, and nothing will be said when they don’t even do that.

    He’s lucky, in a way, they killed him. See, there was a local fellow here who was an older White guy assaulted bu Black teens he didn’t know that were released immediately, and he became so fearful he never left his house again, and ultimately killed himself.

    He was killed because he was bored.


    …Black lives may matter, but they are making it VERY clear that White lives do not.

    Expect more.

    Expect worse.

    Arm up.

    Never drop your guard.

    Leave heavily Democrat areas if you can.

    ..because it’s going to get much, MUCH worse before it gets better.

    Depend on it…

  5. Another example of two black yoots committing a heinous murder including torture of an elderly white male.

    Yes, disparate impact exists…just not in the way obama claimed.

  6. Kcir
    MARCH 17, 2021 AT 8:06 PM

    I honestly wish I didn’t read that.”

    …I’d apologize, but folks should know what hell it is for a person to be burnt by another, just to understand the full scope of the depravity of that act. “Set on fire” doesn’t do the dead justice.

    If you think that’s bad, you should see it in color, hear the screams, smell the roasted flesh, have to manage the edema to maintain breathing without anesthetic, wrap the flesh so the skin and muscle doesn’t slide off the bone like overcooked KFC and cool it with sterile saline to stop the burning and give the only relief you can.

    I have.

    It was not fun for me to treat it.

    …so I seriously doubt it was fun for patients to LIVE it.

    …I don’t know if it’s possible to do so in these COVID days, but if you can, volunteer in a burn ward.

    …you’ll get a MUCH bigger appreciation for what Pain really can be, and how frail and easily disrupted life is.

    Sometimes plastic surgery is needed just to keep the scar tissue from locking a limb up.

    Other times ligaments are not salvageable or entire limbs go gangrenous, and a recovering patient gets to decide between amputation or death…and may get death anyway.

    And lots of the patients are kids.

    …I would kill a pedophile without hesitation if I could.

    ….and I’d have to say that I feel the same way about arsonist…

  7. Instead of gun control,how about we work on feral “urban youth” control? I have a more descriptive plan of what should be done, but I’m not quite ready to get cancelled.

  8. Kcir, I understand. I also am glad SNS is here.

    I’m glad you are all here except for some bots.

    My wife loses, on average, a patient a night.

    I programmed telephones and repaired telephone shit. Death and maiming is not my shit. I laugh and say, “Your Line Class Code is BULLSHIT!”

    SNS sees bad shit that scars souls. He, and others here on IOTW.

  9. We are still at the beginning stages of this; we are just scratching the surface of the depravity to come. There is no remedy for this other than Christ. I pray all of you will accept his gift of salvation, become his servants, and be delivered with His church before the ‘fun’ really begins.

    In the meantime, prep, arm and train. Be deadlier than them. Deus Vult.


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