Schlichter: Understand That Some People Love the Pandemic – IOTW Report

Schlichter: Understand That Some People Love the Pandemic

Townhall- It might not occur to you, because you are not a bizarre wierdo, but a lot of people really love the pandemic. Not just the little fascist gnome who changes his #science advice more often than a Wellesley girl changes her preferences during her sophomore year experimental phase, and not just the fascist pols who get off on exploiting their emergency powers to boss people around, but even some regular people. The masks, the paranoia, the constant talk about vaccines – some people love this stuff.

This is their Woodstock.

And they never want it to end.

Why would anyone enjoy this idiocy? Limits on your freedom, hectoring pests, nitwits riding around in their Priuses with face diapers wrapped around their talk-holes… it’s an abomination. Yet there’s this slice of the populace that gets into it. They resist a return to normalcy because their normal lives were not that great to begin with and this is the most exciting thing that will ever happen to them. read more

14 Comments on Schlichter: Understand That Some People Love the Pandemic

  1. “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out” A quote from David Horowitz.

    For some people it’s the opportunity to channel their inner dictator.

  2. “Understand That Some People Love the Pandemic”

    Understand that some people have been murdered, beaten up, arrested, civil rights abused, and being scheming to kill you over a freaking face mask. Those who love doing this to others, IMHO are subject to the same treatment. /just saying

  3. Ya’ don’t say. I think I posted pretty much those exact words right here around mid March of last year. Good Lord, Stevie Wonder could see where the left was going with this.

  4. I was in Walmart in TX Saturday and shockingly most everyone is still wearing their face diaper. We passed by a mother with a small girl in the cart seat, both wearing decorative masks. The little girl looked at us and said mommy why aren’t they wearing masks to which the mother replied you don’t have to wear them anymore and she said then why are we wearing them. That earned us a dirty look and she leaned in and started whispering to her daughter. This isn’t ending anytime soon.

  5. Dirty Dem Guvs love it.
    The panic porn selling media love it.
    The little commie young people eat up obeying.
    And attention whores like Fauxci love, love, love it.

  6. I blame the modern mom. Young mom’s nowadays are in so much competition with each other it’s ridiculous. Who is the “safest”. Who cares the most about their snotty kids. And young dad’s are so goofy and P-whipped they just go along.

  7. In my former great state of CO now and gotta tell you, it’s turned into a bunch of fucking fags. In n AR, virtually no one wears the face diaper and in s MO, it’s a bit more but here, OMGoodness, please sir pull that up over your nose.

    Went for a swim workout this morning and had to wear the fucking thing IN THE LOCKER ROOM and right up until I got in the pool.

    Kiss my ass, what a bunch of fags.

  8. Anon, I’ve said a few times on here, out of the states we went to last year, Texas was the worst with the face diapers, especially face diapers in a car alone. It was actually better this last trip after Abbott said no more mask mandates, the majority weren’t wearing masks.

    In Oklahoma face masks are dwindling in my neck of the woods, very few still wear them, although they’re still enforced at hospitals and clinics. I think a few towns still have mask mandates, but only one have I been to recently and it was the same as here, very few with masks. I’m sure in Tulsa and OKC there are probably still a lot of lefties running around with them on.

  9. …and this is the most exciting thing that will ever happen to them.

    Ohhh… I’m pretty sure a Patriot uprising, putting a bullet through their sorry existence, would be even MORE exciting…

  10. Jason, that helicopter parenting has been going on since the 90’s.
    Some parents would let their kids play with other kids until they went to meet the parents and investigate their houses. Then they had to outline safe play.

    Which is why my house was the place to go.
    I had up to a dozen extra boys every weekend.
    I let them jump off the shed and video it. I taught them to add corn syrup to their fake blood to make it more realistic. Took them to Team America. Let them make tin foil and toilet cleaner bombs for their war movies they made. Fed them. All kinds of fun stuff.

    You go by most family homes and no one is outside. Sad.


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