The Psychology of Envy and Social Justice – IOTW Report

The Psychology of Envy and Social Justice

In this video we examine the nature of envy, look at how politicians make use of this emotion to gain power, examine how attempts to enforce equality, or promote social justice, can exacerbate envy, and discuss why those afflicted by envy should, for their own well-being, strive to rid themselves of it.

h/t Tore Says

18 Comments on The Psychology of Envy and Social Justice

  1. I have always said that ‘ENVY’ is the predominant personality flaw of the majority of progressive/liberals. It is almost always the central motivator to their actions.

  2. I’ve been thinking that my misery is fed by the internet. And that staying away from it is my only relief. But throughout the day, I find myself going back to the source.

  3. In my senior year at Mt. St. Mary high school our Current Events teacher, Miss Backenstross told us that for Communists to stay in power they had to educate people only to the level needed to do the job they were assigned and they needed to foster jealousy against successful people who had or appeared to have more.

    If you read Marx & Engels Communist Manifesto those principals are laid out. In terms that develop that jealousy.

  4. …every generation has to make its own mistakes. The young people always think Communism didn’t work because the old people were greedy, but it will work THIS time because THEY’RE not like that. Once a person gets old enough and experienced enough to have learned better by the hard lessons that Life teaches that people simply don’t work that way, and force is ALWAYS required to TRY to make them work that way, and force NEVER works to MAKE them work that way, the old people are marginalized and ignored and then they die…or are killed as enemies of the State, and it starts all over again…

    …see, the biggest thing that makes the devil the most angry is that God did not make him creative. He CANNOT make, he can only mar, corrupt, and warp. He only ever repeats the same tricks over and over through history, but because he always gets a fresh generation to work with and his FIRSY trick is to get them to disrespect their elders and violate the Fifth Commandment, it keeps WORKING over and over again.

    Man’s sin nature keeps dragging him towards believing he needs no God, but that Man is perfect perfectable if only he tries harder. God’s been telling us at LEAST since 1 Samuel 8 that we should NOT follow MEN, but the devil is right there, whispering the same lie,
    “4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
    5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
    Genesis 3:4

    ..just as he did to Eve, and just like Eve the young are deceived to believe him.

    And so it goes, as the Bible says it will, and will not change until the Lord comes again.

    At least I will not live to see it repeat again. One lifetime of witnessing failure and being unable to change it is plenty.

    But because the devil repeats, the affairs of Man repeat, so absent the Coming it WILL happen again.

    Man WILL become arrogant, turn from God, and try to arrogate God’s rule to other Men, who will be corrupted and turn to evil because no Man is worthy of such power over other Men, and those Men will kill many before they fail and fall themselves.

    On that, at least, you can depend.

    …nice to see you back, grool. We can use your spiritual support. You always keep to the Word even when others don’t like it, so you are a blessing.

    Welcome back.

    God Bless,

  5. Being manipulated is the worst feeling in the world. I think that’s what is so offensive about Satan, from a human perspective, that is. He has no real authority yet he can manipulate us every second of every day if we let him. Constantly chirping in our ear with ever-evolving ideas of jealousy, greed, isolation (perceived), feeling “wronged”, etc. It’s enough to wear you down. Which is exactly his plan. I’m so thankful to be a child of God, but even that said, Satan keeps trying. Sound familiar?

  6. Kristi Noem just stabbed conservatives in the back. She vetoed the legislation in s dak to make girls sports for girls only.

    I have come to a conclusion. There is no such thing as a conservative who will work for us and not stab us in the back. That creature does not exist. There is no such life form.

    All gov’t is reprehensible and anyone with more than an ounce of integrity should despise and hate it.

  7. If you want to know the state of current culture in America, just look at advertising. Ads don’t shape culture, they merely reflect existing culture and they latch onto it to encourage those existing, widespread behaviors.

    Lately I’ve been listening to an amazing man, Phil Fernandes. He’s the senior pastor at a small church, Trinity Bible Church, in Bremerton, WA. Look him up at The lecture I heard online last night was about the fall of Western civilization and how God has been “thrown off the bridge” beginning with Nietzsche. Nietzsche wrote the parable about the “Mad Man” as an argument that God was dead. But he warned atheists that they couldn’t throw God off the bridge before picking through his pockets to retieve at least the templates for Truth, Morality and Meaning, because if God is dead then so is man without something to give life these things. The Left has been back-filling these uncorrupted aspects of life with their own corrupted versions. That’s why envy is a stape item in today’s culture.

    More to say, but it’s too long. Look up Phil.

  8. I notice the use of virtue signaling by some people is to try to appease the envious and jealous as an actual protective measure from being attacked. Doesn’t work of course.
    BLM and Antifa are going to attack you and your house anyway, even if you have those defensive virtue signaling signs on your front lawn. It’s not like they’re gonna say, let’s SKIP vandalizing THIS house because it has a BLM OR HATE DOESN’T LIVE HERE sign.

  9. Envy sabotages the thinking process and creates cognitive dissonance. I read Helmut Schoeck’s book and Ayn Rand’s treatise on envy (defined as “hatred of the good for being the good”) years ago and it made a deep impression on me. Envy explains a lot of irrational and unexplained behavior in people and enviers never admit to their envy. Although it is impossible to avoid all envious people you can learn to avoid those that would work to sabotage you. Most people confuse envy and jealousy, which is the desire of a person, thing, or virtue without the hatred of the person who possesses them. The one flaw in the Academy video is that it doesn’t explain this difference. There is another term called “envy avoidance”, a term applied to persons who are envied (for example movie stars pushing social justice and Bill Gates wearing sweaters). That would make an interesting video.

  10. All I can say is I hope that none of you who hasn’t lived with or around someone who is motivated by envy never has to go through that experience. I have posted here so many times that I have lost count how the progressive movement inculcated it’s target audience with the understanding that envy is not a cardinal sin, but is in fact a virtue then stokes the resentment that comes from living a life that is ruled by envy.

    What I can say unequivocally, from first hand experience, is that the author is spot on.

  11. I will also state as a stone cold natural fact that individuals who are motivated by envy are incapable of any degree of empathy or sincere feelings for others whatsoever. They are defined by ingratitude and their lack of sincerity. Their virtue signaling is them attempting to project an image they better than anyone knows is counterfeit to the world. Self hatred is a factor in their susceptibility to accepting envy as a virtue. They are pure poison.


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