“IS THIS A F—ING JOKE?” Kamala to hold discussion with Bill Clinton on ’empowering women and girls’ – IOTW Report

“IS THIS A F—ING JOKE?” Kamala to hold discussion with Bill Clinton on ’empowering women and girls’

FOX: Vice President Kamala Harris will hold a joint discussion on “empowering women and girls” with former President Bill Clinton, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women.

The Clinton Foundation announced on Tuesday that the discussion would take place as part of a virtual event with college students from around the world on Friday. Besides Harris, other speakers will include Mayor Muriel Bowser, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, her daughter Chelsea and Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams.

The foundation described the talk as: “A one-on-one conversation with President Clinton and Vice President Kamala Harris on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, and empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world.”

The Howard University-hosted talk raised questions about past accusations against Clinton, as well as Harris’ previous advocacy surrounding #MeToo and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. One of those women, Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Clinton of rape, balked at the scheduled event. more

31 Comments on “IS THIS A F—ING JOKE?” Kamala to hold discussion with Bill Clinton on ’empowering women and girls’

  1. Maybe she should look into why half the country considers him to be a self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, masturbating, money grubbing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life, bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by introducing the term “blow-job” into the American family kitchen on the front page of the morning news paper!

  2. What’s so bad about having the Serial Sexual Predator President representing women’s rights?
    Do women really need more proof that Democrats are their enemy at this point?
    (See also: Men in women’s sports and bathrooms)

  3. Why would anyone think this is a joke? These people have no morals, values, or standards, they shove it in your face and call you too moral to even be alive. This is another in your face slap at the American people and to women. I bet Bill after the interview, and if does well, Kamala will give him a blow job like Monica did. Stay tune……

  4. We know exactly what “empowering women” means to the Progressive/Left:

    Free birth control
    Free abortions

    This is what they ultimately care most deeply about. Nothing animates them like the above two items.

  5. President Harris is done giving bj’s…
    she will soon have reached the climax of her political career.

    One final thought: that cackle of hers is the #1 indicator of a missing gag-reflex.

  6. “A one-on-one conversation with President Clinton and Vice President Kamala Harris on … empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world.”
    He can give many pointers on her kind of ’empowering’.

  7. A woman who slept her her way into office. What an example. Combine that with a serial rapist, and most of the women who attend this will be wanting to become men by the end of the program.

  8. A serial sexual predator (confirmed by court depositions) is joining a woman who slept her way to the top (confirmed by the man she slept with) as keynote speakers of an Empowering Women and Girls conference. Fitting for progressives.

  9. The left lives in a parallel Universe. Contradictions and logical inconsistencies matter not the in the least to them. They are so wrapped up in their own feelings that cognitive dissonance is a concept they can’t even comprehend, much less have any appreciation for.

  10. “Empowering” them to do what, exactly?

    “Empowering” them to grab the shaft firmly?
    Polish the knob while humming?
    Covering the teeth?
    Or using the “empowerment” of the nip and drag?
    “Empower” the hand squeezing the sack?
    Or the “empowerment” of the “Round the World?”

    I sorta suspect that Kamel-Ho and Billy will demonstrate in real time – until the “women and girls” are capable of participation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Bill: You empower women by shooting jizz all over their blue dress in The Oval Office and stuffing cigars up their vaginas.”

    I know that’s disgusting to say but that’s what the corrupt dick bag (BFH©️) did. 🤷‍♂️

  12. I’m watching the announcement on TV about who is going to be in charge of the border crisis. My wife is outside working in the garden. Suddenly, she comes into the house and says, “I can’t find the rake or the hoe. I look up and say “The rake is along the back fence. The hoe is on TV.”


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