“What Press Conference?” – Joe Biden – IOTW Report

“What Press Conference?” – Joe Biden

15 Comments on “What Press Conference?” – Joe Biden

  1. The party line: (CNN) One day before holding his first formal news conference, President Joe Biden seemed to write the whole thing off. “What press conference?” he joked when asked Wednesday evening how he was preparing.


  2. What if someone offered Biden’s teleprompter operator $1M to mix up answers during a conference.
    Like put the answer for the deficit question on screen for a border question.
    Comedy ensues.

  3. Biden may be some kind of incompetent bumbling senile fool, but he sure is getting the radical leftist agenda of transforming America accomplished at at record pace.

    And, FWIW, I find nothing to laugh at about that.

  4. At today’s press conference Joe Biden is expected to announce that he’s moving the oval office to The Villages in Florida. Also, Fox White House journalist Peter Doocey is expected to throw the press conference into turmoil by asking “Mr. President, who is the current president?” Presidential handlers will be standing by to try to help Biden* formulate a believable answer.

  5. @Jethro–yes, Brett asked that and Peter said “I have a binder full of questions!” I thought it was a great answer to a stupid question. Peter is really trying and I give him a lot of credit until they throw him out!

  6. No evening press conference. Too risky. Xiden would “sundown” and crash before the leftist media can gaslight their stupid audiences.

    He’s off to a turtle’s pace with his first news conference this afternoon, offering no hope or help for anyone and stumbling over his answers – lying through his teeth.
    Yeah, such a “nice guy”.

  7. I tried watching.
    The propaganda merchants asking their pre-approved lie filled speechifying questions and Biden promising to give away the farm and lying ticked me off so I had to turn it off.


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