We have ZERO reason to get involved in Africa – IOTW Report

We have ZERO reason to get involved in Africa

Quick clip from Rand Paul at the Senate hearing on foreign relations.

13 Comments on We have ZERO reason to get involved in Africa

  1. (Reads)

    “We have ZERO reason to get involved in Africa”

    (Looks around workplace at the Amadous, Mamidous, Ibrahimas, Mohammads, Usmans, Diallos, Abus, Nydies, Nkimas, etc., etc., usw., then nods head in agreement)

    …nope, no need.

    Africa is ALREADY involved in US.

  2. …but why not? Aren’t Black-run nations absolute paradises since they killed all the White people off?

    …where IS Wakanda, anyway, there was this movie once and IT seemed nice…

  3. …quick question…

    …when they told us we had to take in refugees from the awful, awful Syrian wars during Barry’s run, why did so many “Syrian” refugees come from Africa and not look Syrian at ALL?

    …just curious…

  4. China is already heavily involved with “Belt & Road”.

    They built the infrastructure for the useless and the useless will sell/give resources as payment.



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