Bill Would Ban Critical Race Theory Training in Armed Forces – IOTW Report

Bill Would Ban Critical Race Theory Training in Armed Forces


Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) introduced a bill Thursday that would ban “anti-American” critical race theory training within the Department of Defense.

Cotton’s bill aims to prohibit the U.S. military from promoting the far-left racial theory, which says the United States is inherently racist, to members of the armed forces.  The senator said so-called antiracist seminars and diversity consultants push ideas that “demoralize and divide” servicemembers and have “no place” in the military. more

8 Comments on Bill Would Ban Critical Race Theory Training in Armed Forces

  1. Nice sentiment, but unfortunately, and this will be the case for the next 2 years, we…..don’t……have……the…….votes!!!!

    Our nation has one party rule and that party ain’t us. The dems have a free hand to slam through any American-hating, economy killing, wealth-redistributing, civil-liberty ignoring racist piece of crapola legislation they want.

  2. They’ve taken over every other aspect of our society. Now it’s time to destroy the military.

    And culture used to be patriotic. Where’s Superman? Where’s Popeye? Where’s Wonderwoman? Where’s Audie Murphy?

    Instead, we get Illhand Luke Omar and Crazy Macie Corona.

  3. Christoper Rufo is instrumental in compiling various cases in order to wend there way thru the courts. Albeit it’s a slow arduous process, the wheels of justice grind slowly.

    He anticipates years before they make their way to SCOTUS, and by that time who knows how much damage will have been done. Although no guarantees on how many justices we’ll have and their liberal leanings, its not like the current panel are bastions of constitutional adherence.


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