Graham on border crisis: When Biden team says ‘this is a Trump problem, they’re lying’ – IOTW Report

Graham on border crisis: When Biden team says ‘this is a Trump problem, they’re lying’

Just The News:

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the ranking member of the Budget Committee, said the Biden administration was briefed by border security experts about the danger of rescinding former President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy but followed through on doing so anyway.

The policy, also referred to as the Migration Protection Protocols, required asylum seekers stopped at the border to remain in Mexico while they wait for the U.S. immigration court hearing.

“They knew. If the Trump administration had been told something, and they did the opposite, and it blew up in their face, everybody would be asking the Trump administration, what did you know and when did you know it? So I’m going to help you here with your reporting,” Graham said during a press conference at the border alongside other GOP senators on Friday. more here

14 Comments on Graham on border crisis: When Biden team says ‘this is a Trump problem, they’re lying’

  1. Everything the xiden team says can assumed to be a lie without solid proof otherwise. As a swamp rat himself, Lindsey probably wouldn’t be aware of this.

  2. Curiously I went to Wikipedia’s Joe Biden page just now.

    Have you seen the image of his signature?

    Sloppy doesn’t begin to describe it.

    Slash sloppy O sumthin sumthin.

    God I despise this waste of carbon. A criminal who was awarded a presidency by a corrupt media in cahoots with a corrupt political party in conjunction by the deep state bureaucracy.

  3. Fuck Graham. Same with 99% of Republicans in Congress. They allowed the obvious election fraud to stand. My Congressman Mark Crawford (AR-1) refuses to answer any of my emails and instead sends me these galling newsletters detailing all of the marvelous work he’s doing in Congress.

    Fuck them all. I’m voting for the dem unless specifically endorsed by Trump. Let this mess burn and at that, the dems are champs.

    It was the exact same way with both my dem Rep in CO and my R rep in Texas. These fuckers are choose and backed by big special interests, the bills are written by their lobbyists and include every fucking tax break and set aside for them. Then all the Congressmen needs to do is sell it to us rubes. Sa-weet huh?

    Anyone that thinks they have representation in DC is insane.

  4. It sickens me to see Coryn, Lee, Lindsey, Tillis, Cruz and Mike Braun down at the border with their fake outrage.
    With the exception of Braun (who I despise on general principle), all of these Rino’s ARE the problem.
    They scream about “the border” every 2-6 years and spend the interim term doling out H2-Bs and every other Visa loophole they can imagine.

  5. Moron, we SAW Trump turn back caravans – we also SAW you invite them in.
    Not all of us are as plagued with dementia as most of these old fucks in government; if not term limits, how about a reasonable forced retirement age, like 70?
    That’d get rid of most of the trouble.

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