Steven Miller Forms “America First Legal” Team To Hold Biden Admin’s Feet To the Fire – IOTW Report

Steven Miller Forms “America First Legal” Team To Hold Biden Admin’s Feet To the Fire


Miller’s new group will basically be a conservative version of the ACLU and a “wingman” to watch dog group Judicial Watch, which routinely does the dirty work our election officials refuse to do.

The goal of the “America First Legal” legal group is to hold the Biden admin accountable to our nation’s laws and Constitution. In addition, Miller’s group will seek to keep America safe from Biden’s great globalist reset. The side bonus is that it’ll make Joe’s political life a living hell. More

9 Comments on Steven Miller Forms “America First Legal” Team To Hold Biden Admin’s Feet To the Fire

  1. “Any help for the good guys is welcome!”
    This is such useless BS!
    The communists own the SCOTUS, the House, the Senate, POTUS and most importantly the voting machines.
    Stick a fork in it, it’s gone and buried.

  2. “Miller’s new group will basically be a conservative version of the ACLU … ”

    Conservative attempts at this kind of thing almost always either fail or are not very effective.

  3. Some people call him the “Space Cowboy.”
    Some people call him the “Gangster of Love.”
    Some people call him “Maurice!”

    I wish him well.

    izlamo delenda est …

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