Zero Flu Deaths This Season: NBC-Washington – IOTW Report

Zero Flu Deaths This Season: NBC-Washington

KPRC Radio:

By Kenny WebsterApr 1, 2021

The NBC News affiliate in Seattle, Washington is making a pretty bold claim about influenza from over the past year.

According to University of Washington’s medical researchers there have been exactly zero deaths caused by the flu this year.

Zero! In the other entire state.

In 2019 there were two hundred and forty five lab-confirmed influenza deaths and one hundred and forty eight influenza-like illness outbreaks in long term care facilities.

But not this year! MORE

11 Comments on Zero Flu Deaths This Season: NBC-Washington

  1. Total US deaths of all kinds in 2020 was no different than in previous several years. So where did all the deaths from ‘regular’ flu, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, cancer, etc go? We know.

  2. Mental illness is contagious.

    I was literally born from my mother,who had double pneumonia, in the height of the Hong Kong Flu. I never got sick spending two weeks in the hospital, only to come home to a dysfunctional family, and I was totally helpless..

    Fuck it…Lets go piss away some money..

    I never wear a mask! Come and get me ASSWHOLES..!

    And NO SHOT..!

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