Biden’s Handlers Give Him Cheat Sheets Again – IOTW Report

Biden’s Handlers Give Him Cheat Sheets Again

GP: Biden’s Handlers Do it Again! Create Cheat Sheet Complete with Pictures for Old Joe During ESPN Interview (VIDEO)

Joe Biden is caught again. During an interview yesterday Biden pulled out another cheat sheet with pictures like a pre-schooler.

This happened last week during his first press conference.
His handlers gave him a list of reporters complete with photos for Old Joe.


12 Comments on Biden’s Handlers Give Him Cheat Sheets Again

  1. “One day he’s going to pull out and read the warranty card for his air fryer.”
    More worried about him pulling out the card with the launch codes and reading that on live TV.

  2. Or the ‘inspected by’ in clothing and how #7 knew Corn Pop and they both ate lunch from the same truck. Is he Walter from Jeff Dunham, Mr. Herbert from Family Guy, or the two old guys on the muppets?

  3. The Dirtball: that could actually happen. Remember when he announced the location of the (formerly) secret bunker in DC? Or gave seal team 6 credit for killing Bin Laden?

  4. The semi-retarded crook needs all the help he can get.
    They (his handlers) are putting this crap out there as an insult to every American and as a “come on down” to every enemy of America.

    They know he’s a stooge and they’re not even trying to hide it.

    And why should they? We’re learning to like the taste of shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Cheat sheets, cue cards, video teleprompter or prompting by his staff speaking into his ear plugs, Biden remains a speaking disaster. He did better when they kept him in the basement for months before the election. Biden is the FIRST certified Idiot to become President.

  6. I’m sure that Robert Woodward is busy working on a 890 page book exposing the greatest political fraud in our country’s history for his big guy boss, Cockeyed Bezos. He’s enlisted his old buddy, Carl Bernstein, to help separate the fictitious information from the obvious facts. Should hit the Costco discount bin around 2028.


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