Hunter Biden: ‘I’ve bought crack on the streets and cooked up my own at home’ – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden: ‘I’ve bought crack on the streets and cooked up my own at home’

DailyMailUK: ‘I’ve bought crack on the streets and cooked up my own at home’: Drug addict Hunter Biden admits to having guns put in his face and living in a $59-a night Super 8 motel in explosive memoir. more

16 Comments on Hunter Biden: ‘I’ve bought crack on the streets and cooked up my own at home’

  1. Got to give him credit…..he opens himself up like a can of worms for the World to see. “Pray tell, Who amongst us has not committed a major fuckup?”

  2. @Mark S. McGrew
    Me and the vast majority of Americans.
    This guy had everything given to him on a silver platter and he f-ed it all up and ruined other’s lives in the process.
    How much of this did he learn from “the big guy”?

  3. I’ve SAID it BEFORE… & I’ll say it AGAIN:

    If that crackhead OD’d on the White House lawn – if front of the entire press corps – the lamestream media STILL won’t cover it. 🙄

    And it sounds like we’re getting CLOSE to that day!

  4. He learned well from his old man; blaming his failings on the death of his brother. What a worm. Just curious, doe this “tell-all” book mention the time he had his 14-year-old niece/step-daughter rub his genitals with her feet?


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