The Left Cancels Obama – IOTW Report

The Left Cancels Obama


When Barack Obama Is Canceled, You Know the Circus Is Truly in Town

A middle school in Illinois wanted to change its name. You guessed correctly—it was over being named after a problematic individual. Thomas Jefferson Middle School near Chicago wanted to be renamed after Barack Obama, but the illegal alien community was not pleased, saying the most popular Democratic president in recent memory and his deportation history was deeply disturbing or something. This is truly silly season. It’s ridiculous the Left has a stroke over Thomas Jefferson, one of our finest presidents and a Founding Father. It’s even more comical that Barack Obama is now being canceled (via Washington Examiner):

Immigration activists near Chicago are protesting renaming a middle school after former President Barack Obama due to his record on deportations. more

20 Comments on The Left Cancels Obama

  1. They should just rename it “The School” so they don’t trigger anyone. No, wait, that’s too specific. Don’t want to be seen as saying your school is THE school. Best to just go with “A School”.

  2. There should be a Federal law requiring schools to be named only from the district they are in and a number.

    That solves the whole naming problem, unless it reaches the point where the numbering system is considered racist or something.

  3. They won’t admit it, but it’s because obozo is half white.

    The Chicoms will offer to fund their Zoom. TikTok, and Facebook homeschooling initiatives with free faster internet… … so they’ll rename themselves in honor of Chairman Mao.

    Because asian.

  4. Actually I am impressed that they are at least being somewhat consistent. Their idea of canceling usually has no rhyme or reason what so ever. It is just an excuse to attack conservatives. They hated trump for saying EXACTLY the same thing about border policy that obama did, but act like trump is a racist and obama is a false messiah. Its about time a shred of logical consistency came to haunt the hypocritical left.

  5. Until they are forcing obumbles and the wookiee to flee their homes, get removed from their sinecures at netflix, etc, and start chasing down anyone who worked with them i.e. all of pudding head’s administration, then they haven’t cancelled him enough. Guess it’s a start though.

  6. They need a random letter generating program. Every alphabet under the sun to be thrown into the mix so the random letters have inclusivity and diversity.

    It’s crazy but there you go. It is crazy. We are well in the deep end of insanity.

  7. In 06 I was like WTF..? I canceled Obama in 07. That was easy:Marxist whore. In 08 I was like WTF..? In 10, I was like maybe Jefferson’s “The people will make the right choice in the end” has legs…14, looking good, 16 looking better, 18 = stolen, 20 = stolen.

    Breitbart/Disqus kicked me off, and all I hear today from that board is they stole the election.

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