Massive Facebook Hack – 533 Million Users Compromised – IOTW Report

Massive Facebook Hack – 533 Million Users Compromised

Including 32 Million Americans, Facebook IDs, Names, Phone Numbers, Birthdates, Email Addresses.

29 Comments on Massive Facebook Hack – 533 Million Users Compromised

  1. Good. Moar pleez. Break it ’til no one wants to play with it any more.

    Why people don’t see the risk of giving their personal information out willy-nilly is a mystery to me.

  2. @Fred

    on a similar note:

    I just tried to explain to the youths that you did not have to pay for music.
    All you have to do is turn on the RADIO and be ready to change the station by pushing a button when a commercial comes on.

    Another big secret no one knows is that drinking water comes out of a faucet at pennies a glass.
    Literally 2 to 3 pennies for a really big glass full!
    If you are careful, you can turn this water into coffee with a machine and some crushed roasted beans for about 50 Cents if plan ahead for 10 minutes. (no university degree required or “Barista” certificate)

    They was shocked I tell Ya! Wide eye, slack jawed, Shocked!

  3. You don’t have to use FB for them to collect your data.

    “When people sign up for Facebook, many of them choose to upload their contacts to the service so that they can find other people to connect with. It’s likely, though, that some contacts in their phone aren’t on Facebook — but they’re still giving this info over to the company. Depending on how detailed people are with their contacts, this data could include a lot more than just a phone number”.

    Sorry it’s VOX ⬇️

  4. Other than a sock puppet FB account i created at work using a sock puppet email account, I have avoided FB like the plague for exactly this reason – FB is always getting hacked and personal info is stolen.

  5. I have a fake facebook. I learned back in 1998 when first using the internet, that you never use your real name or personal info on any website. Everything is fake and it works for me. So if anything monetary comes out of it, I don’t get any of the dough.

  6. Jason April 4, 2021 at 7:52 am

    I like FB but I mostly just listen.

    Me too. I like looking up people I know and see what they’re up to. People I knew 30 years ago. They don’t know who you are but you know who they are.

  7. Don’t worry. If you’re on the Do Not Call list, the government will protect you. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! “The government will protect you.” ROFLMAO!! What a line!! What a maroon!

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