Study: AOC Among Least Effective Members of Congress – IOTW Report

Study: AOC Among Least Effective Members of Congress


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was reportedly among the least effective members of the previous Congress, a survey from the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking found.

She introduced 21 bills the center defined as “substantive,” but the legislation got no action in committees, no floor votes, and none became law, according to the center, which gleans data from, the New York Post reported Saturday.

“She introduced a lot of bills, but she was not successful at having them receive any sort of action in committee or beyond committee and if they can’t get through committee they cannot pass the House,” said Alan Wiseman, who is a Vanderbilt political scientist and co-director of the center.

“It’s clear that she was trying to get her legislative agenda moving and engage with the lawmaking process. But she wasn’t as successful as some other members were — even among [other] freshmen — at getting people to pay attention to her legislation,” Wiseman noted.

In regard to the legislative effectiveness of congressional Democrats, Ocasio-Cortez ranked 230th out of 240, the Post article said, adding, “Among the 19 Dem lawmakers from New York state, she ranked dead last.” more

19 Comments on Study: AOC Among Least Effective Members of Congress

  1. That’s because nobody takes her seriously. They just trot her out for an occasional photo op. They don’t call her A. Occasional Cortex for nothing.


    We, the media, and others pay attention to her which acts as a distraction while everything goes to hell.

    She is very effective at taking eyes off of horrific legislation that is being passed.

    Stop looking at the shiny objects dancing in the sunlight and pay attention to what is happening behind the closed doors.

    Hint: south border & speech police

  3. Sort of depends on what is meant by “effective”.

    She may not be introducing legislation and getting it passed, but she is a leading avant-garde member of the current and highly successful push that is moving the Democrats very much farther to the left than would be possible without her (and her inner group).

    Never underestimate your enemy, at least not if you intend to win the conflict.

  4. But there she sits, voting and adding to the majority.
    DemoRats are about a thousand times more effective than the GOPers.
    AOC and the demoRats know how to win and the American public just sits.

  5. Do not underestimate AOC. Though TERRIBLE at drafting legislation, she is both highly persuasive and highly influential. She has the ear of the media. Unfortunately she has been easily misled by the false promises of Socialism. And the climate change Global Elite liars who are trying to seize control the entire planet and its people with the made-up false threat of global extinction. She honestly believes she is doing the right thing, but is in fact an oblivious pawn in the hands of the Global elite.

  6. The fate of the loudmouth. Lots of words thrown around, the more thrown, the fewer heard. Publicity galore thanks to media virtue signaling, but there’s no ‘there’ there.

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