Braves fire back at MLB after All-Star Game stripped away – IOTW Report

Braves fire back at MLB after All-Star Game stripped away


The Atlanta Braves are digging in their cleats.

Shortly after Major League Baseball announced it would be moving the 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta amid backlash over new Georgia voting laws, the Braves said they were “disappointed” by the decision.

“This was neither our decision, nor our recommendation and we are saddened that fans will not be able to see this event in our city,” the team said in a statement released on social media. more

19 Comments on Braves fire back at MLB after All-Star Game stripped away

  1. MLB made a deal with China on the same day they announced the sjw decision.
    The Braves not changing their name and speaking up to the MLB is a great thing.
    It’s going to cost jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars to move the all star game. Nice job there you brilliant execs.


    And don’t forget you ID if you’re picking you “not so” Brave baseball tickets up at the “will call” window, they’re racist you’ll need it…

  3. Ah, yes, digging in their cleats by making a sternly-worded message.

    Boycott MLB.
    Boycott NFL.
    Boycott NBA.
    Boycott NHL.

    Professional sports are a waste of time and money.

  4. OK, moving the AllStar game is a big enough travesty but look at the rules changes…
    Double headers will now be 7 innings each…
    Extra inning games will start off with a runner at 2nd…
    The DH is coming to the National league….

    They are fundamentally changing the game which is a simple game with simple rules and complexities inherent to the game itself….WHY?….

  5. Their moving the All Star Game to Chicago, where everyone still has all their voting rights. Altanta fires back, we’re so sadden we’re gonna cry. And so it goes from stop the steal to stop the vote.

  6. the Braves response was BS too. They almost sound like RINOs They claim they wanted to have the games in Atlanta so they could highlight voting access issues or some such nonsense. Really? This is GAME, not a civics course. The only elections MLB and the Braves should be worried about is how the ballots for the ASG are counted.

  7. Crrrrrrraaaaap.

    The only way we’re gonna’ be able to see a game is if we get off our collective asses and play the damn game ourselves.

    I call shortstop.

    Also, find the shortest person to be catcher. I doubt any of us have the knees for it.


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