Catholic League: Joe Biden Has a ‘Seriously Strained’ Relationship with the U.S. Bishops – IOTW Report

Catholic League: Joe Biden Has a ‘Seriously Strained’ Relationship with the U.S. Bishops


Catholic League President Bill Donohue said this week that President Biden has a serious problem with the U.S. bishops, which is not going away.

The upcoming celebration of Easter, Christianity’s most solemn feast, underscores the president’s “rocky” relationship with many bishops,” Dr. Donohue said in an essay Thursday.

“It’s time for President Biden to stop living a lie,” Donohue noted, in reference to Biden’s continued participation in Catholic sacraments while overtly promoting abortion on demand and other evils.

In his essay, Donohue cites no fewer than nine U.S. bishops who have been highly critical of Biden’s situation, several of whom have insisted the president should cease receiving Holy Communion at Mass until he repents of his abortion position.

The former head of the Vatican’s supreme court, Cardinal Raymond Burke said Biden should not receive Communion because he is not a Catholic “in good standing,” Donohue noted. read more

32 Comments on Catholic League: Joe Biden Has a ‘Seriously Strained’ Relationship with the U.S. Bishops

  1. I’m not the one to judge his state of grace, that authority is not mine, but his actions seem to be going against both Catholic and Christian bible teachings.

  2. Catholics and Protestants are different but have the same roots.

    As to what is the true “way” the Bible is the authority. And as “Anonymous” wrote above the two vary somewhat. The big difference is the role of the Church and it’s functions.

    Some of us look aT what’s called the Didache (early church father’s writings) and only wonder how the Roman church came about? How did the perversions of a professional clergy get so powerful and purposeful when Christ asked his followers to be primary witnesses?

    Now that I’ve stirred that up….

  3. “The Catholic Bible is different than the Christian Bible,”


    Protestants, an endless source of amusement.

  4. While I’m sure there are legitimate Catholics among the RCC clergy, the majority are either communists, faggots, or kiddie rapers. It’s a fucking lost cause.

  5. Mr. Burr:
    As a youngster I was told that Catholics got drunk on Saturday so they could confess on Sunday but that is not true.

    Catholics get drunk after mass on Saturday night along with the Baptists who confess on Sundays.😅😅😅😅

  6. ?????? We get drunk on Sundays. THAT AIN’T GRAPE JUICE IN THE COMMUNAL CUP.

    Confession is on Thursdays. So you’re not supposed to sin on FRi/Sat. The Church is trying to contain mayhem over the weekend……it’s just led to day drinking.

  7. …I fall out with Catholic doctrine primarily over the office of the Pope.

    NO man is infallible, EVER, but the Lord Jesus Christ.

    And I have a PERSONAL relationship with the Lord. I neither want nor need ANY man to interpret or intercede for me with Him, the Spirit fulfills that need.

    …any look at the Popes, particularly the current one, shows WHY you should worship NO Man…

  8. Anonymous: The Catholic Bible is different than the PROTESTANT Bible. Fixed it for you. The Bible was fine for 1500 years until Martin Luther decided to change it.

  9. @TonyR

    The Bible was fine for 1500 years until Martin Luther decided to change it.

    Huh? How?

    The Council of Trent MADE canonical (for the Church of Rome), books that had ALWAYS been extracanonical, since the Third Council of Nicaea.

  10. …and I really don’t understand how ANY God-fearing people can claim Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Sonia Sotomayor, and Pedophile Biden, baby killers ALL, as their own without ANY real reservations, just the occasional, quickly squelched grumbling like this…

  11. Personally, Pope Frankie and Boe Jiden BOTH have a fucking strained relationship with me and God, as well as all the Pedo Priests who have harmed many many vulnerable people.

    I am no saint, but there needs to be a MASSIVE REFORMATION in the Catholic Church and many people have to answer to man’s law to prove to GOD that they are truly sorry for horrific sins that they took part in or ignored.

    The Clergy conveniently forgets that the rosary & confessional DO NOT absolve you unless you are truly penitent. The means you march the guilty into the Cop Shop and turn yourself in!


  12. “there needs to be a MASSIVE REFORMATION in the Catholic Church”

    Lol. Keep your WOKE politics out of muh Church. You people already have MORE protestant denominations than there are days of the year.

    Go on. Go play your KAREN games somewhere else.

    :shoos dirty faced truants off Church steps…..then washes and scrubs steps to remove defilement:

  13. @Burr

    I think the newly formed Protestants were running out of willing wives in England with all the King Henry Be-headings so they made a few changes…

    … And personally the odd time I am Forced into a Catholic Church I need a couple shots right before entering. (the commie shit they have been spouting right at the alter lately)

    Happy Easter Everyone!

    We just finished the Turkey, garlic mashed & Rapini (I had to Italian it up a Bit)!

  14. Oh I’ll leave the great unwashed alone.

    They can check back in after their church puts in 2000 years on the time card.

    This thread is like listening to some part timers telling old school union guys how to do their job.

  15. Burr, Papal Supremacy
    APRIL 4, 2021 AT 9:48 PM

    “They can check back in after their church puts in 2000 years on the time card.”

    …actually, the reforms of John Paul II broke the continuity of worship in the Catholic Church, most notably by going from the Tridentine Latin Mass to more crowd-pleasing English and really, REALLY dumb and openly shameless attempts at pandering to the times, like the abomination that was “The Guitar Mass”. I was raised Catholic, and even as a kid I knew bad Arnold Gunthre impersonators trying to bend “Christ Has Died, Christ Is Risen, Christ Will Come Again” into a folktronic electrified acoustic guitar vaguely rock beat wasn’t going to light the way to the Lord.

    More sinisterly, about the same time the Catholic Church was the foremost opponent of homosexualality, and so was targeted BY homosexuals in a concerted effort to infiltrate the Priesthood, which had lost its quality control as it became an unpopular vocational choice for the “ME” generation, so they didn’t see the wave of pedophile priests that were SENT there to undermine their credibility and moral authority, and the Church did NOTHING to help themselves when they started to find out bu burying it within the cloisters instead of very publicly purging such offenders. Catholics are well versed in forgiveness, atonement, and repentance, so if they had JUST BEEN HONEST, they’d be in a MUCH better place now, and not the constant butt of pedo priest jokes.

    My parents were very Catholic, my Dad was such a probably in the Knights of Columbus that they posted a continuous honor guard at his viewing for his funeral, and my dear Mom still is very devoutly Catholic as is my brother and one of my sisters-in-law, and I know MANY wonderful Catholics including the dearly departed “Plain Jane” here, so I love Catholics and do NOT crap on them, but just as the Democrat Party hasn’t been FDR Democrats for some time but still lives off the inertia, the Catholic Church hasn’t been the same institution it was for 2000 years since the ’70s and its refusal to accept criticism, honestly examine itself, and stay out of the world’s politics has led to things like “Pope” “Francis”, a secular Jesuit former bar bouncer, steeped in socialism and progressive Liberation Theology that was apparently installed by the globalist powers who wrested power from a living Pope to give it to someone who’s edicts display NO apparent familiarity with, you know, THE BIBLE, but is ALWAYS inserting the Church into politics where it doesn’t belong.

    The Church now doesn’t seem to need reform so much as it does to get back to its roots. I grew up in a world full of monasteries and cloisters and convents in Ohio of all places, and here it is 40 years later and those are all gone from no novices joining, and priests are in such short supply that they have to shut down dioceses and share priests between them, when they’re not impoting them from Africa or South America, that is.

    Every church, protestant or catholic, has its share of evil politicians associated with it.

    But every church does NOT have the highly centralized power of the Papistry that COULD disown their actions TODAY.

    And therein lies the rub.

    You have ONE FALLABLE MAN who can make or break you.

    And the one you have NOW seems intent on breaking you.

    It’s not so much you need to get your house in order,

    But you DO need to get its HEAD under control before he destroys the very institution he is sworn to defend.

    …and if that sounds like a riff on American Politics, consider that your Pope and your FAKE president were very likely installed by the same people, and for the same reason, which is the destruction of Western Civilization as the last obstacles to satan ruling the earth.

    …but here we are with a common existential threat, arguing over the Council of Trent and the Reformation, thus remaining bitterly divided as the devil merrily advances his banner between us unopposed…

  16. If I had the slightest confidence that Bergoglio or the majority of the US Council of Catholic Bishops were in communion with The Church or had the best interests of the Roman Catholic faith at heart in their teachings, I would leave the Catholic faith behind and never look back.

    I have absolute confidence that the above are unrepentantly apostate and in fact are Marxist infiltrators. I have no lack of confidence in The Church and the Catholic faith, I have absolutely no confidence in the men in positions of power in today’s church and don’t even get me started on the absolute filth that passes as women religious these days. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious is nothing but straight up Marxist/Feminist she devils.

  17. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS APRIL 4, 2021 AT 11:18 PM

    As an eight year old I was disgusted by the third rate Peter Paul & Mary impersonators at Saint Francis Cabrini church. That would have been 1967, and it was apparent to me at that age that The Church was under attack from within.

  18. JDHasty
    APRIL 4, 2021 AT 11:52 PM

    …so it WASN’T just me, good to know, the folks always tried to make me feel bad about putting my hands over my ears in church as they did a twangy folk version of “Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord”…

  19. Bob M.
    APRIL 4, 2021 AT 11:49 PM
    “il papa ONLY became “infallible” at the end of Vatican I (1876).

    By vote.

    Which was NOT unanimous. 😜”

    …I didn’t know Dominion went back that far…


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