The ACLU Has Grave Concerns Over One Aspect of Vaccine Passports – IOTW Report

The ACLU Has Grave Concerns Over One Aspect of Vaccine Passports

Townhall: In order to get the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic under control, the government, in conjunction with medical professionals, is pushing Americans to be immunized against the virus. Some have talked about implementing a “COVID vaccine passport,” which would provide proof of immunization before everyday occurrences, like traveling or even entering a place of business. 

Conservatives have voiced concerns about the Big Brother thought process behind the move. Where is the line drawn and where would this end? How do we know these passports won’t be used for other aspects of our lives?

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), has concerns, at least on the digital front.

While the lefty organization doesn’t take issue with vaccine passports as a whole, they take issue with these passports being used on a digital platform. more

17 Comments on The ACLU Has Grave Concerns Over One Aspect of Vaccine Passports

  1. I have no intention of getting the vaccine, and therefore no intention of getting the passport. If those companies want to cut off millions of potential customers then more power to them.

  2. How about people like me? I can’t take the risk of an untested vaccine that “might” encourage blood clots, plus other medical issues would be affected by this voo-doo juice.
    One of my prescribed meds warns against ‘this or that’ or mixing with other OTC meds, etc. One of my meds warns against grapefruit, yes, for real – grapefruit. Dunno why.

    Now what?

  3. The solution to the problem is already being implemented at our southern border: no covid tests required, no proof of negative test required. The PTB will ignore these same people in the same way for vaccines and double down on harassment of we who work within the system. All I can say is prep like the mark is coming tomorrow.

  4. Why would vaccine passports be necessary if the vaccine works and a majority of people have been vaccinated? The only people at risk would be those who haven’t been vaccinated. Exactly HOW stupid do they think we are?

  5. Right on….everyone….

    A little common sense proves their ulterior motives are the most heinous, nefarious crimes against Americans that is being forced upon US since we gained independence from Britain.

    Let the shooting begin….


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