China Mitch Defends Fauci: ‘He’s the Most Reliable Witness I’ve Seen’ – IOTW Report

China Mitch Defends Fauci: ‘He’s the Most Reliable Witness I’ve Seen’

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Monday defended National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci, saying he is “the most reliable witness I’ve seen” during the coronavirus pandemic.

24 Comments on China Mitch Defends Fauci: ‘He’s the Most Reliable Witness I’ve Seen’

  1. Which time was he reliable?! No masks, masks, common sense says 2 masks, changed my mind 1 mask probably works. The vaccine will get us to herd immunity and freedom. People that get the vaccine must still social distance and mask because they may still get the virus. But above all if you want to go have sex with a stranger on Tinder go for it.

  2. Those of us on the right are really in an awkward spot. On one hand, if we were to rebel and raise holy hell, the feds would have the opportunity they have been waiting for to put the hammer down on us. On the other hand, if we hope to vote ourselves back into a position of power our country will be gone before we can vote.

  3. Think carefully about what “reliable” means. It does not mean truthful, nor accurate, nor consistent. McTurtle simply means that he can rely on Fauci to be the sort of witness that McTurtle and his gang want him to be.

  4. It must be tough for Bitch McConnell to pee.

    Seat up Monday
    Seat Down Tuesday etc.

    Sunday must be really challenging for him to make up his mind once a week.

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