British Columbia Diners Heckle Health Inspectors Out Of Restaurant – IOTW Report

British Columbia Diners Heckle Health Inspectors Out Of Restaurant

Daily Caller: Patrons at a British Columbia restaurant shouted out a pair of health inspectors Saturday who reportedly attempted to shut down the restaurant for violating the province’s health guidelines.

The incident happened on Saturday after two health inspectors arrived at the Corduroy restaurant in Vancouver to serve a closure notice for serving patrons indoors against COVID-19 guidelines, CBC reported on Sunday.

In a video posted to Facebook, a woman holding a child who appears to be an owner or authority in the restaurant, can be seen talking to two health inspectors. The woman states they are trespassing on the property. One of the apparent inspectors replies they “disagree” with the assumption. more

7 Comments on British Columbia Diners Heckle Health Inspectors Out Of Restaurant

  1. The customers have to join up with the businesses and push back. Hard.
    And when the cops come, the customers have to act a fool, show their asses and act like they’re being murdered. Just like the left does.
    It’ll get on the news and then the city looks like shit, and then come the class action suits against the city for police brutality.

    Work it.

  2. Anon 2:35,
    Simple solution. A “church” is NOT a building, is is a gathering of like minded people sharing common core beliefs.
    Hold the services in the open field next to the closed down building.
    “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

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