I Found It. I Finally Found It: The Stupidest Thing Said on the Internet – IOTW Report

I Found It. I Finally Found It: The Stupidest Thing Said on the Internet

And It Didn’t Even Come From CNN!

24 Comments on I Found It. I Finally Found It: The Stupidest Thing Said on the Internet

  1. We vote Conservative, hopefully, so anyone who wants to work does not have to live in a cardboard box. … of which, there seems to be a shortage of affordable Cardboard boxes and real estate under bridges in good school districts in Democrat run Cities.

    The Government should step in and create a minimum building standard for Cardboard Boxes and Open Defecation with subsidies for internet access.

  2. However, Democrats will gladly spend billions of tax dollars to provide minorities with free cardboard boxes to live in and free sparrows on a spit to eat in order to get their vote!

  3. It’s a take off on an old Russian Communist joke.
    Supposedly, if you understand the joke, you understand the Communist psyche.

    To wit:
    Dimitri and Ivan are two Russian peasants living in the same village.
    Dimitri has a cow – Ivan doesn’t.
    One day Ivan finds a jar which contains a magic Genie – whereupon being released, the Genie offers to fulfill ONE of Ivan’s wishes.

    Ivan thinks really hard and then laughingly exclaims: “I wish Dimitri’s cow would die!”

    This idiot is implying that 60 to 70 million Americans are communists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. That is stupid. There’s no telling what kind of paint or coatings are to be found on a curtain rod. Besides, I wouldn’t let them in my neighborhood.😉

  5. This is the exact same thing Lenin was preaching to the Russian people when he was instituting the Red Terror. The idiots fell for it and it cost them untold grief and pain.

  6. @TIM
    The concept of wanting another person to NOT HAVE liberty and freedom (the sparrow and curtain rod analogy) has taken hold with the left; they believe conservatives are seeking to deprive others of their rights. Nothing is further from the truth.

  7. @ Tim APRIL 8, 2021 AT 4:23 PM

    Your post is underappreciated.

    Diogenes APRIL 8, 2021 AT 8:38 PM

    The concept of wanting another person to NOT HAVE liberty and freedom (the sparrow and curtain rod analogy) has taken hold with the left; they believe conservatives are seeking to deprive others of their rights. Nothing is further from the truth.

    The way they blatantly, clueless-ly do this is maddening.

    It’s like they are under a spell or are hypnotized. I keep wondering how they can’t see plain truth right in front of them. It’s psycho.

    They all have envy of what others are doing and what they have – even the trust-fund-all-his-life friend of mine (AKA My most lefty friend). He’s never had to struggle with a millionaire Dad – and he hates rich people, thinks blacks need help – “Because! They just do!”, etc. (I slap my forehead here at his inherent racism)

    Sometimes I like asking questions that reveal he is at odds with himself, like; why does he vote for keeping other kids from inheriting wealth like he has? Blank stares with some blinking. Kind of looks like he’s experiencing the back-and-forth between two truths that don’t fit together – which one is right? Am I against the rich while I AM one? They can’t both exist at once!

    Cognitive dissonance. Mission accomplished. Give them something they can’t deny and let them sit with it.


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