Whitmer’s lockdowns failed so bad that the state is now experiencing a massive surge in Rona as free states enjoy liberty and declining case numbers – IOTW Report

Whitmer’s lockdowns failed so bad that the state is now experiencing a massive surge in Rona as free states enjoy liberty and declining case numbers


I write this from my mountainside bunker in Her Majesty’s realm of the Mitten State.

Her Highness, Empress Gretchen Whitmer, has had the state locked down and masked up for months. Businesses all around me have closed due to her insane strong-arming – first through orders declared unconstitutional, then by weaponizing the health department.

I know business owners who have been arrested for refusing to close down to comply with the coronasanity. I also know many Michiganders whose families lost relatives because Whitmer shuttled sick patients into nursing homes or forced people into crippling depression from total isolation. more here

24 Comments on Whitmer’s lockdowns failed so bad that the state is now experiencing a massive surge in Rona as free states enjoy liberty and declining case numbers

  1. Unfortunately, she will NEVER accept the blame nor the responsibility for her nefarious, demonic, communistic, liberal attempt to rule harshly over the people.

  2. On a side note, since sunday I have been having neurological problems with lack of sensation and motor skills in my upper extremities. My arms don’t want to follow the instructions my brain delivers and its been quite a challenge. I am quite certain that my Lyme disease has made an ugly reappearance but I do not want to visit any medical facilities or doctors because of the covid crap. My blood pressure has been actually perfect the whole time and I don’t have any paralysis so I’m confident that it wasn’t a stroke or anything. Just don’t want to be added to any Covid tracking list or such. This whole mess sucks!

  3. I know a few folks in Michigan who despise this creature of a so called Governor. But, much like California elected Newsom & New York elected Cuomo, I don’t have much sympathy for people in Michigan. Whitmer looks insane in every photo & video that I have seen of her. Should have been a clue to the voters if they were paying attention.

  4. I checked this website for the CCP virus status of each state.
    Every other state in the country I checked is stable or going down, including all the states surrounding Michigan. Why is Michigan spiking? Hmmmmm. Maybe fake data…

  5. Again, and for all those in the back row, listen closely.
    The year wHitler was elected was a combination of legalized pot and a shit ton of illegal votes (I believe dominion was already in use).
    Add that to the absolute stranglehold that Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Grand Rapids have on this state…no normal voter cast a vote for her.
    If you look at the voting map, she lost the majority of MI counties.
    BTW, I am still waiting for her to “fix the damn roads”!
    Maybe she can work on fixing the damn dams she had a hand in destroying.

  6. I wonder if the case surge could possibly be coming from the sports players who have to be tested before every game.
    Using the test with the most incidents of inaccuracy might just give an inflated number.
    It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find they are messing with the numbers.
    I mean, it’s not like she hasn’t lied about numbers before.

  7. Whitmer is a tumor on Michigan. Jobs destroyed and lives ruined and she loves it. MissInMI is correct that she got in on the MJ vote and corruption in the voting system.
    It is no secret that she flew to D.C. to interview for the V.P. job and wanted it in the worst way. Only a total whore could have beaten her out for the job. No surprise who got the job.

    As I enter my retire age I am thinking of relocating to a state that is not so abusive to it’s resident’s, but then I realize, the time to make a stand is now!

    @ Tim, please find a Dr. you can trust and follow up on any medical conditions you may have. I just ran a meal over to friends who’s wife was afraid to go seek medical attention and ended up with an amputation that could have been avoided. Please don’t be afraid to have medical follow up my friend. Prayers and best wishes my friend.

  8. Jethro, yes I was diagnosed with Lyme and was put on a regimine of antibiotics (Amoxicillin 500mg 3×daily) which I took for approx 3 months until I voluntarily decided not take anymore. Up to this point, other than fatigue (which is why I went to Doctor originally) I’ve been able to manage it. The fatigue seemed to increase a week prior to this sudden change. I am regaining function but my fine motor skills are lagging. (If there was a button for me to push I would probably miss it 2/3 of the time as an example) It makes things fun and entertaining when I show others. Wiping your can and finger painting can be done at the same time. Who knew?

  9. @Different Tim
    My experience is that amoxicillin won’t cure Lyme. You need doxycycline and atovaquone.
    Don’t waste your time with a general practice doctor. Find a Lyme literate doctor at the website I listed above. Don’t delay. Also – you absolutely must limit sugar intake while taking strong antibiotics to reduce the risk of yeast overgrowth and take probiotics.

  10. My wife flew from our home in the free state of Florida up to communist controlled Michigan to visit her elderly mother 10 days ago. Now, she’s caught the bug and is stuck there until her extremely mild symptoms pass or two weeks from the date she was diagnosed, whatever comes first.

    We moved here from Michigan nearly 4 years ago and I am so, so glad we did.


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