Portland decides to get serious about soaring crime rates and agrees to hire more… Park Rangers? – IOTW Report

Portland decides to get serious about soaring crime rates and agrees to hire more… Park Rangers?

Not The Bee-

I don’t know about you, but when I find myself being threatened by a gun-wielding homicidal maniac, my first thought is to dial Smokey Bear.

10 Comments on Portland decides to get serious about soaring crime rates and agrees to hire more… Park Rangers?

  1. The stupid…I just…what the EF is wrong with the Pacific NW?!?
    Someone will get killed and they’ll blame guns, tear gas, colonialism, white privilege, Trump and the police and continue down this stupid *ss defund everything that used to work but doesn’t anymore because we defunded it path.


  2. That’ll work out well. Wanna be cops, that didn’t qualify, with a firearm. Our Park Service agencies in Cali have their own SWAT team. How do I know, I sold them 308 platform AR’s. No worries. I’ve shot with them. They will die in a gun fight.

  3. Park rangers have been on the cutting edge of woke assholery since at least 2013, when Obama sent them out to harass and obstruct us at parks, memorials and museums across the country, in service of his government shutdown. I am not the least bit surprised that Portland has once again called on the semi-cops to ankle-bite the average citizen as the filthy antifa run amok.

  4. At my part time job we have rent a cops for security,and man do they throw their weight around.and it’s a black owned company and yes all the “cops” are black.its pretty funny to see them strutting around in their nice uniforms.oh well.atleast they have jobs and not sucking off welfare etc.God bless’m.🤗😉😁

  5. Just for reference:

    Up here in the great white north, hunters are far more afraid of fines from Ministry Of Natural Resources officers than the coppers.

    Because in remote areas of Canada, the cops are usually very reasonable.

    MNR (our smokies) will give you a fine for the tiniest infraction.

    My friends father (79yrs) got an $800 fine for not retrieving a water foul in a timely process. He had shot 2 Canada Geese, called his hunting partner (son), retrieved 1 but could not find the second fast enough. Bingo, asshole in the woods popped up fined him and threatened to take their Truck as well.

    Meanwhile, Aboriginal Indians, regularly over fish, trap etc. with impunity. They routinely sell their product which is illegal to sell wildlife (too many complicated laws to list).


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