Hey, Virginians: Look them over- – IOTW Report

Hey, Virginians: Look them over-

Tell me, do you like what you see?

Governor:   Sergio de la Pena. https://www.sergiodelapena.com

I was born with nothing in a home with dirt floors and no running water. I graduated college on an ROTC scholarship and served three decades in the military, because this is the greatest country in the world.

I campaigned for Trump in 2016 and 2020, and the administration tapped me to help run the Western Hemisphere. I’ve seen firsthand the horrors of socialism and understand we must stop the far-left from turning Virginia socialist.

Let them try and cancel me.

Lt governor: Puneet. https://www.puneetforlg.com/

Somewhere, liberal Democrats got the notion that we the people of Virginia work for them. It’s not true, and it must change.


Attorney General:  Jason Miyares. https://www.jasonmiyares.com/

“I’m fighting every day to protect our families and keep Virginia safe. We must restore law and order, back our law enforcement officers, stop the left-wing agenda in Richmond that is hurting Virginia, and enact election integrity measures to protect our right to vote. There is too much at stake to back down from the challenges we face.”

16 Comments on Hey, Virginians: Look them over-

  1. Miyares is the son of a Cuban migrant that fled Castro’s dictatorship.

    I am ready for something different than the usual political hacks. New blood is needed in Virginia.

  2. And that’s not all. Lots of fed up conservatives running here. I haven’t done my studies and picked my candidates yet, but my favorite campaign postcard so far simply had an “OPEN For Business” sign on the front.

    BTW: If DC gets statehood, can we give them Northern Virginia? Then, maybe we can get conservatives back in Richmond.

  3. I live in Virginia and will vote for anybody to get these cheating Democrats out of office. The used Dominion machines to take over both state houses plus we have a blackface, baby-killing governor and a rapist lieutenant governor.
    They stole the elections in this state and locked us down for months on end. Just say you’ll never shut us down again and I’ll vote for you.

  4. I saw Miyares speak a month or back. Very passionate and good choice. I met de la Pena’s kids. Respectful and poised and articulate.

    This is my ticket for the convention next month.

  5. Yeah Truck buddy. It is time for something different.
    I experienced none of this purported white privilege
    We were poor. We couldn’t afford underwear. We lived in a tiny house in LA.

    White privilege? What is that? A phony construct. My mother was nearly arrested for shoplifting baby formula to keep me alive.

    Please. Spare me.

  6. I’m hoping that after having the best President ever in my lifetime, and having the election stolen and a virus imported from China by the opposition to further constrain us and ruin our c economy, logic will prevail that it is time to change how we view who we vote for. Substance and competence not window dressing.

  7. As a Virginian, I can tell you that Amanda Chase is the one that scares the Progressives and Rinos the most. She speaks her mind and has been censured twice. The State Republicans that cater only to lobbyists have done everything in their power to block an open Primary. As it stands now, you had to register by the deadline for your County and will, maybe, be given one of 37 ever changing times and locations where you can vote. Some Counties are still taking registrations I got mine in before the April 3rd deadline in my County.


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