St. Vincent’s Island: OBEY OR BURN – IOTW Report

St. Vincent’s Island: OBEY OR BURN

If you can make a man AFRAID, you can control him. 

Tore Says –

A volcano erupts, and people will be burned alive by lava if they don’t evacuate. Private companies, shelters, and government boats decide to CHOOSE who can evacuate.

The government is deciding who lives and who dies sounds like a genocidal nightmare. We have all seen the movie before where disaster is happening, and even maximum-security prisoners are released because condemning people to death is mass murder. MASS MURDER – GENOCIDE all occur when ONE set of persons have MORE rights than OTHER persons.

Why is St. Vincent’s government not being reprimanded by the people of the world? In what universe do they demand that people put an experimental vaccine in their bodies, so they do not burn alive? In what universe can a nation’s prime minister make such PRESS statements and not be strung up in public? more

14 Comments on St. Vincent’s Island: OBEY OR BURN

  1. I was just summoned to jury duty in commiefornia. Churches have been closed forcefully. What about the deadly virus? What about 6 ft separation? I’m in the most vulnerable group, over 70. Why do I need a doctors permission to get out of it? I know my own health. I know all the bs about “duty.” But since we no longer have a working justice system this pisses me off.

  2. Scott Adams:

    “The reporting does not indicate that unvaccinated are left behind. It indicates they will not be on the same ships as the vaccinated. It is reasonable to assume more boats will be involved.”

    Scott, you’re a real clever douchebag. I gotta say.

  3. Anonymous, I’m tired of Scott Adams and his clever horoscope takes on everything. Clown nose on, clown nose off, never wrong, only joking. He’s too arch and his shtick has grown tiresome. IMO. He’s starting to sound like Erick Erickson.

  4. The “virus” is a joke. The “vaccines” are not approved by any agency and are experimental, with horrible side effects that don’t manifest for months. There are more of us, Just folks, than there are of them. Don’t comply, don’t be a lab rat, and if given the choice to comply or die, make them die.

  5. “But since we no longer have a working justice system this pisses me off.”

    You just answered your question of why.

    Jury duty is the most powerful thing a citizen can do.

    Don’t like the law? Eff the law. Let the person walk. You are under no obligation to apply any law to the defendant. It’s called jury nullification and if you’ve ever said something along the lines of: “If I had my way, this guy would be free” – Well pardner, jury duty is right up your alley. No judge can throw out you decision. Otherwise – what’s the point of a jury if they don’t have that power?


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