Behind the Scenes: WH Vaccine strategy meeting – IOTW Report

Behind the Scenes: WH Vaccine strategy meeting

For the slow kids in the back (USA TODAY), this is satire.
Sa- tire. Say it with me. Saaaa Tiiiire.

It’s OK, you’ll get it. Keep practicing.

BREAKING from the Wildly Inaccurate Dianny News Service. 

Faced with vaccine skepticism among Americans, the White House held a strategy meeting in the Oval Office this weekend to discuss options on how to target citizens unwilling to take the COVID vaccine.

Thanks to an anonymous source, the Wildly Inaccurate Dianny News Service obtained a recording of the Oval Office meeting. The transcript follows.

Ron Klain
Okay, people. We need some ideas here. Despite our best
efforts, to get everyone jabbed–

Dr. Fauci
Call it “The Fauci Ouchy.”

Ron Klain
Right. Anyway. There are still a number of people who
are refusing the vaccine.

President Biden
What vaccine?

8 Comments on Behind the Scenes: WH Vaccine strategy meeting

  1. Yeah sure, show those Covid ads on reruns of Hee Haw on RFD TV and reruns of Green Acres for all the unenlightened rednecks and it’ll go over like a lead balloon. Joey needs to greeted with guffaws and Bronx cheers by those 2 old guys who made farting noises with their hands on Hee Haw. That always cracked me up because I had friend in 6th grade back in 1964 who showed how to do that. By the way Hee Haw is still funny and corny as ever, joey however isn’t funny, he’s just a pixilated idiot and a total fraud. I’d trust Mr. Haney on Green Acres to sell me something that I don’t need before I’d trust joey on anything. And even Arnold Ziffle is smarter than joey.

  2. It all started long ago when it was determined by us that politicians, especially democrats, are lying bastards who cannot be trusted on ANY level.
    Hence, we have doubts and will wait & see if the “vax” ends up killing or maiming more people than the wuflu does.


  3. Someone who is on twitter; post tweets that in the recent transcripts of a White House meeting it was noted that the president watches reruns of Hee-Haw all day. How long before Snopes debunks it?

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