About a year ago, the NY Times reported that Russia placed bounties on US Troops in Afghanistan. It was a rumor and another HOAX they purported via Brennan’s mouthpieces. Who is the ALLEGED NY Times Reporter, and why are they credible?
Credibility is such a broad term, and it’s like a painting; It’s personal. The word now is garbage. Credible sources for the MSM are their people. Credible sources for the people, TRUTH.
“Russia offered to pay the Taliban to kill US Troops” claimed the NY Times MANY MANY MANY TIMES over and over again. They were pushing their narrative and articles to drive up revenue and campaign for the SELECTED administration. read more
Presstitutes and Media Pimps… They no longer deserve their Freedom of the Press. They have perverted the very sanctity of that privilege to serve an agenda which is repugnant to the COTUS, Liberty and Americans everywhere.
I have zero trust in the MSM. My countrymen trust too much. I’d vote for Trump tomorrow.