Gretchen “Not My Fault” Whitmer has more excuses than Hillary – IOTW Report

Gretchen “Not My Fault” Whitmer has more excuses than Hillary

Patriot Retort-

Michigan is experiencing a wave of Wuhan cases that rival the initial outbreak over a year ago. This, “despite” having some of the most stringent restrictions and mandates in the nation. But according to Gretchen “Not My Fault” Whitmer, everybody not named “Gretchen Whitmer” is to blame.

It’s the Republican legislature’s fault.

No. It’s the Republican State Supreme Court.

No. It’s the fault of those reckless Michiganders who dared to travel to Florida.

Gretchen has more excuses than Hillary Clinton.

How long before she blames James Comey, Macedonian content farmers and Vladimir Putin? more here

26 Comments on Gretchen “Not My Fault” Whitmer has more excuses than Hillary

  1. I refuse to believe that this witch was honestly elected. It has to be the scam of ‘voting machines’ that got this POS into office.

    ‘Voting machines’ is the greatest scam in our nation’s history. An election with them is a fucking joke.

  2. It’s the fault of those reckless Michiganders who dared to travel to Florida.

    Hey, maybe the witch IS blaming herself!

    GWP headline:
    Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer Secretly Vacationed to Florida During Michigan’s Covid Surge While Telling Michiganders to Stay Home, Avoid Travel

  3. The reason Demonrats are always miserable and unhappy is because their souls belong to Lucifer.

    Their master torments them by filling their spirits with rage against the Lord God Almighty.

    It’s their separation from Christ and demonic possession that is clearly demonstrated in this picture.

  4. “Honest!…those right wingers kidnapped me and flew me to Florida then made me lay on the beach for a week!”
    “I’ll insist on new charges be brought against these monsters!”

  5. mickey moussaoui,

    In essence, the concept of “Karma” means that every person gets exactly what his or her past actions have dictated and everything is exactly as it should be.

    IOW, everything that happens to you, everything, is the result of your own past actions and nothing else.
    Everything around you in life is the result of a prior cause. It’s the ultimate concept in personal responsibility.

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