Juan Williams says PBS-affiliated show told him he wasn’t “black enough” – IOTW Report

Juan Williams says PBS-affiliated show told him he wasn’t “black enough”

Just The News-

Panamanian-American journalist Juan Williams said a white TV show host dismissed him from discussing George Floyd’s death and subsequent social unrest because Williams wasn’t “black enough.”

Williams alleges the host is on the PBS-affiliated show “This Is America & The World” and that he declined to have Williams talk about race-related issues because he was born in Panama, not America. Williams, a Democrat, said he received a note from the show host telling him about his decision.

“A white TV host recently dismissed me from appearing on his show to discuss race relations by telling me I didn’t qualify because I was born in Panama,” Williams said in his opinion piece in The Hill. “He thinks I’m not Black enough. Seriously.” more

17 Comments on Juan Williams says PBS-affiliated show told him he wasn’t “black enough”

  1. ….but he did qualify as an ignorant, stupid black man of Panamanian decent who married a white woman and has grandkids that look like Opie Taylor because his kids didn’t want to have ignorant, stupid kids of Panamanian descent….

  2. 1. Defund PBS
    2. Never forgive Bill O’Really for inviting Juan to come over to FOX after Juan stopped manning the staff glory-hole over at PBS.
    3. Presstitutes and Media Pimps should be the first co-conspirators to be given a fair trial and an immediate execution of sentence.

  3. Hey Juan, he didn’t say you weren’t black enough, quit lying, he said you were foreign born, you are, aren’t you? Maybe he wanted a native born black man who actually walked the walk of being black in America, not some insufferable one percenter who never felt the sting of bigotry in his life. But thanks for demonstrating your black bona fides by immediately claiming victim status.

    “OT–“Officer Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes, DC medical examiner says””

    And Ashli Babbitt was a victim of cold blooded murder, murdered by a still unnamed Capitol Police thug who gunned her down for no good reason and will never ever face the justice he deserves.

  4. “A white TV host recently dismissed me from appearing on his show to discuss race relations by telling me I didn’t qualify because I was born in Panama,”

    A white guy. haha. If white guy was serious, he’d quit and give the hosting job to a black guy, no? Come on, lefties, live by your own rules for a change!

  5. Perhaps that “not black enough” is code for “you shouldn’t have married a white woman Juan”
    Juan’s a Demoncrat and race is so important so it’s gotta be said… with that said

    Shut the F*** up Juan we don’t wanna her you’re wanna be victim speak.

  6. Yet he is the absolute 2nd worst asshole on FOX news, always siding with the left.

    Chris Wallace is the Grand Champ of Asshole. I hope Wallace is happy that he helped elect a corrupt turnip by Ignoring The Laptop and everything else it entailed.

  7. Wah-Hon said there was a note from the guy. Okay, let’s see it.

    Listen, Williams LIES like a rug! I can’t remember what the particular subject was now, but when he was on The Five and other Fox shows, the first thing out of his mouth was repeating a whopper that had been fully discredited. And yet he persisted with it.

  8. PBS has gone full globalist long ago..That’s the problem with my countrymen. Why does America keep tuning in to nonsense..? It’s high school mentality popular..?

    A misinformed public is a total threat to humanity.

  9. The lunatic left actually believes the real reason for all these cops shooting all these blacks is because there aren’t enough blacks with badges.

    Just on NPR today they spent a lot of time lying, but also discussing diversity in law informant.

    Sorry folk this is total insanity.


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