After Being Given a 0% Chance to Live by Doctors, Baby Born Weighing Less Than 1 Pound Now on Track for World Record – IOTW Report

After Being Given a 0% Chance to Live by Doctors, Baby Born Weighing Less Than 1 Pound Now on Track for World Record


A baby who was given zero percent chance of surviving when born has proven the experts wrong.

When Baby Richard was born at 21 weeks at Children’s Minnesota hospital in Minneapolis, he weighed less than a pound, according to WCCO-TV.

And now, the baby could be named the smallest baby ever to survive, now that his family has been contacted by Guinness World Records. Once he clears his first birthday, he could be added to the records.

“We know that babies born at 21 weeks usually have a poor prognosis, so actually the family was given a zero percent chance for baby Richard,” Children’s Minnesota neonatologist Dr. Stacy Kern told WCCO.

But his parents, Beth and Rick Hutchinson, never gave up hope.


12 Comments on After Being Given a 0% Chance to Live by Doctors, Baby Born Weighing Less Than 1 Pound Now on Track for World Record

  1. Even more of a miracle because white males have the worst prognosis to survive prematurity and black females have the best. God certainly blessed Baby Richard and his family. Now, move out of Minneapolis!

  2. …the moment that doctors saw that my son was born without a perfect face, they told me he was probably deaf, would probably go blind, would probably be retarded, would probably never be able to take care of himself, would probably need me to change his diapers until I died.

    I probably should have told them to go to hell.

    …a couple of decades or so later, that young man got his face fixed over his whole childhood, spent his school years in the top of his class, always aced the State evaluation tests they had at the time (particularly on reading), learned to play THE TRUMPET despite a repaired cleft lip after he was told that wouldn’t be possible, lettered in baseball, got a job, went to college, and is currently looking for a house and talking about wedding bells with his latest (and longest term;D) pretty girlfriend.

    Pretty good for a baby that was written off by doctors for a ‘looks’ issue.

    Never trust doctors.

    Trust in God instead.

    For He was always there for us, even at the beginning when I didn’t believe in him, and this fave me and then strenghtened MY faith and my WIFE’S faith instead of breaking it forever like the devil clearly intended.

    God is good.

    Some doctors try,
    But others are just wrong.

    …come to think of it, I don’t need to tell those doctors to go to hell.

    My son’s life does that very nicely all by itself…

    God is good.

    And as I was taught a LONG time ago…ALWAYS error on the side of life.

    Because God will reward your faith.

    God Bless,

  3. Corky APRIL 20, 2021 AT 1:38 PM
    “Even more of a miracle because white males have the worst prognosis to survive prematurity and black females have the best. God certainly blessed Baby Richard and his family.”

    …God DID bless them and it wouldn’t have been possible without him, but one of the miracles God wrought was leading a doctor to develop a surfactant that helps premees undeveloped lungs start functioning.

    As you say, males have more issues with this because males lag in lung development. I know this from my training, but ALSO from children I know PERSONALLY, one of which was the male of an identical twin set born to a friend of mine that went on to be a co-worker with me and his own father.

    They hadn’t been using it long when he was born, but he got some.

    Because God is good.

    Here is the problem;

    and here are some possible solution, mentioned in that link;

    …man develops drugs, but God gives the inspiration that makes inspiration in preemies possible.

    Yes that IS the proper use of that word both times.

    And God is good.

    Always error on the side of life.

    And always stay on the right side of God.

    God bless these people and all with “problem” babies,

  4. Interesting, I was listening to a podcast of Will Durant’s history and biography of Issac Newton–a genius:

    One of the world’s most famous and influential scientists, Sir Isaac Newtown was born on December 25, 1642. He weighed just 3 pounds at birth, and was not expected to live beyond a few hours. Not only did he survive, but he went on to describe the laws and gravity of motion.

    We’re all here for a reason, we never know what God’s plans are for any of us. There’s many premature babies born in this world who survive. Miracles are all of them.

  5. My unborn grandson who is a miracle and should not be here because my daughter in law who was not supposed to get pregnant but miraculously did will be here in late August or early September. God has a plan for him and even her doctors are astounded about this. Good luck kid, you’re going to need it with 2 older sisters.


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