Wicked Witch Helps Confirm Evil Witch for Top DOJ Job – IOTW Report

Wicked Witch Helps Confirm Evil Witch for Top DOJ Job

Townhall– The Senate confirmed Vanita Gupta, President Biden’s nominee to serve as Associate Attorney General, by a slim margin of 51-49. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) joined Democrats in advancing Gupta’s nomination. Even if Murkowski had not voted to confirm her, Vice President Kamala Harris would have broken a tie vote.  more

14 Comments on Wicked Witch Helps Confirm Evil Witch for Top DOJ Job

  1. NEVER FORGET. BHO + GWB teamed up top defeat a conservative who won the GOP nomination! She was not even on the ballot~!!@#!? The conservative was Joe – not GWB’s BFF Biden!

    GWB was always a liberal 5 th columnist! For non military folk that means he was a Dem plant!

    Still is a Dem! same with his girl liosa!

  2. Evil was promoted in 2018 and 2020. You are not in control of jack shit and haven’t been in decades: Fucking DECADES!, and what’s going on in America is a direct reflection of that Evil.


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