Alabama: Tuskegee Gearing Up For Mass Distribution of Second Dose Controla-19 Vaccine – IOTW Report

Alabama: Tuskegee Gearing Up For Mass Distribution of Second Dose Controla-19 Vaccine

Tuskegee + Syringes? Ehhhh I don’t know ’bout that

Alabama News-

Macon County announced the second round of COVID-19 vaccines at the National Guard Armory in Tuskegee. more

10 Comments on Alabama: Tuskegee Gearing Up For Mass Distribution of Second Dose Controla-19 Vaccine

  1. Inject yourselves with death for all I care. Any wonder how so many pharms making bank cause COVID….

    American’s themselves through their bright and powerful ignorance from all that is trusted right into the crapper…

  2. WA is opening up a super shot site at the Tacoma Dome. I guess I haven’t been through a pandemic before but this drive thru vaccine process just seem ripe for mismanagement and mistakes. Pray you don’t have a bad reaction in your car in row 6F down that way…I dunno. 🤷‍♀️

  3. REAL medicine weighs benefit v risk.
    American doctors these days might as well sport a bone through their noses and report to their jobs barefoot.

    How far we have fallen!
    Thanks obama! Thanks pelosi! Thanks RINOs. (hat tip to “dr barrasso, WY)
    Thanks Big Pharma. Thanks AMA.

  4. What shots come next after this is all over..?

    Too much power, and money here folks. It’s never going to go away until you make it go away. Given all the history of America, I don’t believe America has it in them. The American revolution, all by itself, wasn’t very popular.

    Imagine if only women had to wear masks..? Think about that..Or how bout only white people at some point..?


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