Lefty group dumps cow patties at White House entrance – IOTW Report

Lefty group dumps cow patties at White House entrance


Climate activists dissatisfied with President Biden‘s climate plan are not-so-subtly expressing their displeasure, as they are literally calling “bull—-” while dumping cow manure in front of the White House.

The demonstration, which began Thursday morning, was being conducted by Extinction Rebellion, an organization that pushes for “non-violent direct action and civil disobedience” to pressure government to “act justly” when it comes to climate and the environment.

“Net zero by 2030 and other not in my term of office scams are far too little, far too late,” Extinction Rebellion spokesperson Reilly Polka said in a statement. “Biden is punting the crisis to future generations with targets that rely on unproven technologies sucking carbon out of the atmosphere. This is a massive gamble to take when the well-being of the human species and the richness of life on earth is at stake. If he cared he’d set targets that expire while he’s still in office. We can’t keep waiting, we need change now.”

Fox News reached out to the White House for comment but they did not immediately respond. more

16 Comments on Lefty group dumps cow patties at White House entrance

  1. @ Anonymous: Not if properly cooked on a solar or wind power stove. What a waste!! Thousands of starving, oppressed minorities are asking if there are enough to go around and if toasted buns are available…

  2. I am confused. Didn’t the election of 2020 put the person in charge that would fix the world?
    Related, where is Joey B? Where is Kamala H?
    You are our government Stand up. Tell me what you believe in. Tell me why I should follow you. I do believe that I am part of 1/2 of the people.

  3. Yep if I was a libtard I’d want even more progress made on the agenda – wouldn’t settle for the dangerous changes already occurring and overturning everything America has gained in 250 years or so.

  4. They know he’s a bought & paid for stooge and they treat him like one!!
    When the defecRATz stole the election and put this total Asshole in charge it wuz simply to add insult to injury and say “ain’t that some shit! Ha Ha”!

  5. That’s not manure. It’s what is called “black dirt”, which is manure that has decomposed over time.
    Real cow manure consists of damp, sticky, spherical clumps. It smells highly of ammonia and will often be “steaming” if left in a large enough pile that the inner crap is sealed off and the anaerobic decomposition releases methane and thermal energy that is trapped inside.
    I worked on a dairy farm when I was younger.

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