Does Biden’s Climate Agenda Mean ‘Red Meat Passports’ Are Coming? – IOTW Report

Does Biden’s Climate Agenda Mean ‘Red Meat Passports’ Are Coming?


Joe Biden’s climate agenda, which he announced this week, is such a violation of everything it means to live in a free country that it actually is hard to understand how he thinks he can get away with it.

The plan, announced during a two-day climate summit that began on Earth Day, calls for the slashing of carbon emissions by over half in less than ten years, and the United States becoming a zero-emissions economy by 2050.

While Biden hasn’t released the details of this plan yet, experts say that it will take huge changes to accomplish Biden’s climate objectives. While electric cars currently only make up about 2 percent of new passenger vehicle sales, Biden’s insane objectives would require electric vehicles to make up 65 percent of new cars and SUVs, along with 10 percent of new truck sales.

If your home is heated by oil  or natural gas, you’ll have to get an electric heat pump installed.

Experts say the economic shifts of Biden’s plan will cost Americans trillions of dollars.

But, worse yet, in addition to changing the kind of cars we drive and how we heat our homes, Biden’s plan may force Americans to limit our consumption of red meat. more

39 Comments on Does Biden’s Climate Agenda Mean ‘Red Meat Passports’ Are Coming?

  1. Communists attempting to take total control over our lives while strangling us financially and removing our power under the disguise of so-called Green interests. Hand me the phone, I’m calling 1-800-Bul-shit!
    Less for us, more for them. I guarantee you that if there is energy in the ground, somebody is going to dig it up and use it. The Chicoms will come in an buy up our decimated energy reserves for pennies on the dollar and then burn it inefficiently and pollute like crazy, but hey, it’s cheap as Hell! Well if it’s in OUR ground it had better, by God, be us!

  2. I have been an HVAC tech for 33 plus years.
    Heat pumps are the least reliable & most expensive way to heat & cool your house.
    They were put everywhere in the late 70’s/80’s and were breakdown nightmares.

    Now that thy are using ALUMINUM coils rather than COPPER they leak refrigerant like crazy, are even more expensive to repair, and use the most expensive method to fuel them. The refrigerant, that is so bad for the environment now escapes much more often. You all know that your Air conditioners are always more money to fix than furnaces and Now you have to run it all year.

    Kathleen Whynne tried to ban natural gas in New Construction in Ontario 4 years ago. They walked it back, but the greenies still have it in their minds.

    Imagine TRIPLE your hydro bill!
    Oven, Clothes Dryer, Water Heater, BBQ, and the big one: FURNACE

  3. ^^^ Not to mention over-loading the electrical grid that they are actively trying to down-size thru the elimination of coal, gas and hydro plants! Evidently Cloward-Piven theory is intended to collapse everything!!

  4. Right now the power grid can barely support the current level of use. California hasn’t been able to keep everything powered with their rolling brown outs and outright blackouts. Adding more electric cars and forcing people to go total electric is stupid.

  5. SO far every single one of the proposals is much worse for the environment. EV production & maintenance KILLS the environment, putting everyone on vegetables on ALREADY depleted soils KILLS the environment (not to mention a huge health concern), and Kcir covered heat pumps to which I add when the heat pump goes out and you can’t get a technician to fix it you’ll be burning wood, coal, furniture, your EV, anything to keep warm.

    Stolen elections still have consequences.

  6. Your ability to travel freely is not even a consideration for assholes that travel thousands of miles using carbon-spewing jet airplanes to talk to people they could easily talk with via internet.

  7. It’s at the point now where if I learn someone is a democrat I basically operate off the assumption that they are either a complete moron or a fucking psychopath. Either way, completely worthless excuses for human beings.

  8. Not to worry; SCOTUS Roberts will rule Meat Passports as Constitional. See, Roberts has no problem with Meat Passports cuz the only meat he swallows is Cock.

  9. If a Texas bbq joint doesn’t take advantage of President* Administration’s fascist idiocy and start a MeatPassport® marketing scheme to drum up business, then they need to put down the Shiner Bock and get to work, dammit!

  10. The beef industry will love that!
    BTW watched a farm aid concert and it was full of PC progressive minority farmers with their all organic farms. I’ve lived in farm land all my life and never seen one.

  11. “Evidently Cloward-Piven theory is intended to collapse everything!!” ~TRF

    Knowing that, a small – but significant – percentage of the population is creating their own ‘infrastructure.’

  12. @CC

    In their minds they travel not for themselves but to advise & train us for the benefit of the world. They bring their families along for champagne, caviar & Quail eggs (which they expense) to help train the next generation of Green Benevolent “Leaders”!

    Turdeau brought the Family Fucktards all over the world on the government jet to save all Canadians from our Carbon burning ways.

  13. @kcir
    “Anyone here try squirrel?”
    Many times. Tastes very good if you don’t get an old male (testicles as big as grapes).
    Look up videos for skinning squirrels. Those that start at the tail are the best.

  14. Spring squirrel season starts here next week. It is the entire month of May. Squirrels are delicious and are best stewed with thick gravy and dumplings. Squirrel has become all the rage at the finest upscale restaurants in London. Uppity folks there pay big bucks (pounds) to indulge in the truly organic critters. Squirrel hunters in the UK are getting twelve to fifteen bucks apiece to provide the high priced restaurants with the bushy-tails. As for me, I have a never ending supply of limb bacon around my home and even more on my hunting property. For those who have never eaten squirrel, you should try it. It is some of the cleanest, healthiest and tastiest meat available. We call them tree chickens down here.

  15. He he he ……. you rote “meat passport’ heheheheh …

    Jill sez mine’s been used by the pool boy …… I don’t know wot that means, tho

    It was ……… uhh … wot was I riting? …… at?

  16. I read a study a few years back. A Prius was tested against a BMW M3. The M is basically the race car version of a regular BMW. They were driven on a test track in everyday driving scenarios. Long story short, the BMW got almost 21 m.p.g. & the Prius averaged 18 m.p.g. Because the Prius is nearly a ton heavier. Says it all.

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