Biden’s Climate Plan Limits Americans to 4lbs of Beef Per Year, Would Kill Montana Economy – IOTW Report

Biden’s Climate Plan Limits Americans to 4lbs of Beef Per Year, Would Kill Montana Economy

Montana Daily Gazette:

Senator Jon Tester (D) wears his agricultural credentials on his sleeve, eagerly relaying to Montana’s farmers and ranchers each campaign how much he supports ag producers, considering he is one. Tester’s family runs an organic farm near Big Sandy, where he pops in to take campaign photos every half-decade or so. But with Biden’s new climate orders in place, the days of Montana’s cattle ranchers being able to conscientiously vote Democrat may soon be over.

Montana’s farming and ranching industry accounts for more than 3.6 billion dollars in revenue each year, and is the second-largest segment of our economy, just behind tourism. While ranchers only make up 5% of the state’s population, they create 17% of the state’s economy. These jobs employ more than 52 thousand people in Montana, or roughly 10% of the workforce.

However, in the name of saving the planet, Joe Biden wants to end 90% of America’s beef consumption and 50% of all meat consumption, over-all.

Biden’s climate proposal includes significant cuts to our carbon emissions by 2030, with zero carbon emissions by 2050. The latter goal would require humanity to become extinct because humans produce carbon dioxide naturally just by breathing. But aside from wishing we would all just die off so the algae and spotted owls can prosper, Biden’s climate goals include no more red meat. read more

50 Comments on Biden’s Climate Plan Limits Americans to 4lbs of Beef Per Year, Would Kill Montana Economy

  1. Now I’m beginning to see where that Chuck Schemer is headed sith his “plant-based beer” bullshit. And to think we laughed at Cow Farts Cortez a couple of years ago. Of course, the ultimate benificiary in this is China, no doubt. I don’t know how it works yet, but that’s the end game.

  2. At first I was going to comment that the American people won’t stand for this, but then when you look at the brainwashing of the masses with the mask 😷 muzzles, six feet apart, etc.. for the past year, I have to wonder. 🤔

  3. When a cult abducts someone the first thing they do is deny them of proteins. After a period of time, (weeks, months) the abductee becomes compliant. It all fits in with the mask mandates, quarantines, vaccine guilting, shutdowns…

  4. Sorry to say there may be less ‘American Patriots’ to show up for battle, it simply means those of us that do show up will have to work a little harder than expected.

  5. Lots of snark and nyuk-nyuks-nyuks from the mouth breathers here. Laugh all you want dipshits, these people are deadly serious and always telegraph just exactly what they are going to do. So while Obama gorges himself on Wagyu Beef (his favorite remember) you’ll be eating your daily ration of bug derived protein gruel just wishing you had beets to eat. You should get off your lazy asses and do something. But they will win without one shot being fired.

  6. Fuckys back!!! The turd who said they had donated a ton of money here and was now leaving in a huff.

    How’d that work out for you Fuckford?

  7. Fucky, you have the memory of gnat. Fortunately for you, I have most of your posts right here in front of me.

    You claimed to be a long time lurker and MAJOR donor to this site. Deny it now and you’re a liar. You claimed you were so sick of us that you were leaving for good.

    And yet….here you are.

    We’re livin’ rent free in your bong encrusted brain old man. Spew some more shit. It’s entertaining to watch you pound the keyboard in angst.

  8. I’m so thankful we have people like FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie to lead the charge. Wait, what, you mean you’re not leading the charge? SO you’re just a coward with a big mouth? Fuck off asshole.

  9. @bradcunt comes running to save @burrhole so they can sissor and rub pussies with each other later. And after a vigorous session they can relax and drink their Geritol and prune smoothies. The sad limp dicked sunken chested conservs on this site are truly pathetic and are a barometer as to why we are where we are…

  10. FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie sounds like an emboldened Anonymous poster. Where do these guys come from? If I was one of the anonymouses I’d be really pissed off at this guy. He’s giving you all a bad reputation.

  11. Dang, were did my new hero, FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie, go. I was really hoping he’d help me over come my “limp dicked sunken chested” condition. He was my last hope. Maybe we could meet on a wrestling mat or something so he could instruct me in the error of my ways. I guess I’m just destined to be a big pussy.

  12. @bradcunt, you really wanted to go into the armed forces but that injury you got while playing on the Badminton team in high school kept you out of the armed forces and you lost your Badminton scholarship to go to college. Any word yet from General Flynn on where all those bodies are?

  13. FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie

    I need the guidance from a real man like you. We should arrange a meet. I desperately need your help. Naturally we’ll have it filmed so you can document your skills and ability to turn pussies like me into real men like you. Have money, can travel.


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